On 9.3.17

Credit Supervisor

W OR K SCHEDULE As per TPB Bank PLC Staff regulations
DIVISION Retail Business Banking
SALARY Commensurate to the Job Advertised

1. This position is to engage, manage and work directly to improve the activities of the
branch credit operations.
2. To evaluate, provide analysis, conclusion and recommendations to determine credit lines
and communicate this information to customers and other team members of the branch.
3. Engaged in conducting credit investigations/visitations and collecting delinquent accounts
and answerable all branch credit related issues to the branch manager and senior

 Assist branch manager in creation of credit risk management environment of an acceptable
quality, in terms of established credit guidelines.
 Administer branch credit application and ensure that direct reports are producing high quality of
credit application files
TP B Bank P LC is a Bank that provides com petitive financial
services to our custom ers and creates value for our stakeholders
through innovative products.
TP B Bank P LC is a Bank, w hose vision is “to be the leading bank in
Tanzania in the provision of affordable, accessible and convenient
financial services”. As part of effective organizational
developm ent and m anagem ent of its hum an capital in an effective
w ay, TP B BANK P LC com m its itself tow ards attaining, retaining
and developing the highly capable and qualified w orkforce for TP B
BANK P LC betterm ent and the N ation at large.

 Maintain branch low portfolio Non-performance rates ensuring post disbursement follow up is
being done and customer actively operate their accounts accordingly.
 Assist Branch manager in cite visitations and Branch Credit Meetings and make sure that
respective reports are produced timely for decision making.

 Customer acquisition by actively soliciting potential clients
 Managing the branch loan portfolio by ensuring close follow ups of their respective
 Directly work with customers to deepen existing relationships through the analyses of needs
and provision of products and services.
 Analyses and reviews quality of potential and existing business to ensure maximum
 Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of all actual and attempted customer interactions.
 Conduct customer meetings that have defined call objectives, desired outcomes and a wellconstructed
 After consideration of individual case merits, recommend credits applications for approval to
the branch manager and other relevant authorities.
 Manages credit quality standards through effective management of risk according to the
Credit manuals and policy.
 Scrutinize loan applications, to review feasibility reports and prepare appraisal reports and
accompanying memorandum for action of by relevant loan sanctioning authority.
 Verify loan application forms, crosschecking the requirements and advise customers
 Maintain borrower’s files and ensure that all pre-disbursement conditions are fulfilled.
 Ensure that loan installments from customers are posted into relevant accounts.
 Follow-ups on non-performing loans/customers that are not paying their loan as per the
 Ensure that weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual and any other reports on loan portfolio are
accurate, complete, and prepared on schedule.
 Prepare all branch returns and ensure they are in accordance with the credit policy and
lending manual.
 Verify postings of loan administration fees for customers whose loans have been disbursed.
 Ensure proper filling of customer credit documents and correspondents.
 Improving the quality of customer’s data by ensuring all customers data is captured as
per KYC set rules and regulations.
 Analyse delinquent accounts and prepare report on highest risk accounts including
recommendations for resolution.
 Monitor violations of credit policies, provide analysis, conclusion and recommendations,
present findings to the Branch Manager and suggest actions/penalties to be taken when
 Develop processes and procedures for evaluating customer financials and setting and
changing credit lines/limits, as well as credit holds; implement liens as necessary to major
delinquent account as approved
 Attend to the generated legal documents used in the credit function for onwards
preparation of disbursements
 Perform any other duties as may be assigned by Branch manager from time to time

Bachelor degree in Banking, Accounting, Finance, Economics, Marketing, Business
Administration, or related field and plus 2 years related experience in the related

The position will attract a competitive salary package, which include benefits. Applicants are
invited to submit their resume (indicating the position title in the subject heading ) via
e-mail to: recruitment@tpbbank.co.tz  Applications via other m ethods w ill not be

considered. Applicants need to subm it only the Curriculum Vitae (CV) and the
letter of applications starting the job advertised and the location. Other
credentials w ill have to be subm itted during the interview for authentic check
and other adm inistrative m easures and should not in any w ay be attached during

TPB Bank PLC has a strong commitment to environmental, health and safety management.
Late applications will not be considered. Short listed candidates may be subjected to any of
the following: a security clearance; a competency assessment; physical capability
assessment and reference checking.

AVOI D SCAM S: NEVER pay to have your CV / Application pushed forward.
Any job vacancy requesting payment for any reason is a SCAM. If you are requested to
make a payment for any reason, please use the Whistle blower policy of the Bank, or call
0222162940 to report the scam. You also don’t need to know one in TPB BANK PLC to be
employed. TPB BANK PLC is merit based institution and to achieve this vision, it always go
for the best.

Please forward your applications before 21st March, 2017
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