The Guardian, 13/3/2017.
The Senior Visiting Fellow will be engaged to support REPOA’s resource mobilization efforts and contribute to enhancing the resource mobilization and sustainability strategy.
Objectives of the assignment
The key objective of the assignment is to assist REPOA in designing and implementing a robust resource mobilization strategy for implementing its strategic plan and fulfilling its mission.
Specific objectives include:
1. To assess key competences of REPOA and its potential to attract resources
2. To align REPOA’s strategic plan with the resource mobilization strategy
3. To increase REPOA’s resource base and institutional sustainability
Key Duties and Responsibilities
Proactive resource mobilization in a more diversified environment is a major function in which REPOA requires an additional capacity and skills. The skills include preparing cutting-edge proposals to compete for large international research grant applications; to network with global funding agencies; and to negotiate grant agreements that are in line with Think Tank operating environment. The Visiting Fellow will therefore be responsible for the following activities:
1. Review the current REPOA’s Resource Mobilization strategy and develop a comprehensive strategy to reflect and align to opportunities and make it responsive to the emerging trends regionally and globally.
• Develop a comprehensive approach in preparation of research projects and programs for funding applications or in responding to call for proposals. This will include, but not limited to:
• Proposing for each category of resources, the mechanisms, techniques and human resources required to mobilize them
• Proposing the measures and strategies necessary for reaching out to Development Partners and to other potential sources of funds such as philanthropies and private sector.
2. Train relevant REPOA staff on resource mobilization skills and best practices. That will include applicable models for project costing.
3. Identify funding opportunities relevant to REPOA’s strategic plan and prepare comprehensive proposals for longer term funding. During the process:
• Propose modalities for establishing, financing, and sustaining research endowment
• Propose other innovative approaches of resource mobilization appropriate for Think Tanks
Additional specific tasks and activities will be mutually agreed upon by both parties and described in the contracts with a qualified applicant.
Expected deliverables
The following deliverables are expected at the end of the assignment
1. A comprehensively reviewed and coherent resource mobilization strategy;
2. Resource mobilization-related procedures;
3. A resource mobilization action plan for 5 years.
4. At least 8 long term funding proposals submitted with success rate of at least 50%
5. Well-trained staff and Board Members on resource mobilization strategy and tactics
6. A database of the available funding globally with terms and conditions of mobilization:
• A database of high level contact entities capable of supporting REPOA’s resource mobilization efforts
• Database of professionals and networks for internal and external resource mobilization
• Innovative and efficient mechanisms to mobilize resources through syndication/collaborative projects
• A training manual for Resource Mobilization
Minimum qualifications and experience
• Advanced degree in development-related fields and familiar with areas of REPOA’s research agenda
• Minimum ten (10) years of relevant experience in research and resource mobilization for research institution or equivalent development institution;
• Minimum five (5) years’ experience as an international consultant or collaborator in a Think Tank and having undertaken at least two similar assignments for reputable organizations
• Have an established international reputation with a thorough knowledge of policies of Development Partners, Philanthropies and International Development Organizations.
• Have effective communication and training skills
Duration of the assignment
This is a short term assignment. The maximum duration of the assignment is 6 man-months, starting April/May 2017 and ending no later than 31 December 2017. The assignment can be carried out within six months continuously from the date of signing the contract, or spread over the validity period of the contract depending on the intensity of activities at certain times and schedule of activities to be agreed upon between the Fellow and REPOA management.
The Visiting Fellow will report to the Executive Director and work closely with the Manager responsible for Resource Mobilization, M&E and Reporting in executing his/her duties. In addition, the Fellow will make regular presentations to the Board’s Committee on Resource Mobilization and Sustainability.
Working arrangements
The Fellow will be based in Dar Es Salaam. REPOA will provide an office space and work station for the fellow.
Intellectual Property
REPOA shall, solely and exclusively, own all rights in and to any work created in connection with this contract. The fellow shall not be allowed to post or publish (electronically or in print) any proposal-related information without the explicit consent of REPOA.
Evaluation criteria
• General qualifications and ability to execute the tasks : 30%
• Experience in the tasks specified in the Terms of Reference: 30%
• Experience in dealing with international donors and philanthropies: 30%
• Specific experience in preparing of strategies and funding proposals for Think Tanks: 10%
Application Instructions
Applications should be clearly marked “Application for Name of the position” and addressed to: The Executive Director, REPOA 157 Mgombani Street, Regent Estate P.O. Box 33223, Dar es Salaam.