On 28.3.17

The Content Manager will control all 50MWS platform content initiatives, both internal and external, so as to drive engagement and retention of women entrepreneurs as well as to attract platform customers and sales and work closely with the 50MWS Project staff at COMESA, EAC, ECOWAS and Country Teams to ensure implementation, efficient performance and delivery of the expected results.
Instaurer et maintenir la crédibilité et la confiance dans le processus COMESA-USAID, approfondir et renforcer les engagements et les partenariats nécessaires pour la réussite du Programme dans la région du COMESA.
The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) is a regional economic grouping comprising 19 member states that have agreed to promote regional integration through trade development and developing their natural and human resources for the mutual benefit of their people. Its vision is to be a fully integrated economic community that is prosperous, internationally competitive, and ready to merge into the African Economic Community. In order to realize its objectives, COMESA has also established a number of semi-autonomous institutions based in different Member States to support integration. (More information on www.comesa.int)
Since 1998, COMESA has been collaborating with United State Agency for International Development (USAID). In 2012 COMESA and USAID signed the extension of the Integrated Partnership Assistance Agreement (IPAA) which is a five year program that consolidated all USAID resources into one agreement. The resources support various activities in the Secretariat namely: Trade and Investment, Agriculture and Environment among others. In September 2016 COMESA and USAID also signed a new agreement “Regional Development Objective Grant Agreement” of which the completion dates is 30th September, 2021. The Agreement will focus on two main Development Objectives (DO). DO 1: Sustainable regional economic integration advanced and DO 2: East African institutions’ leadership and learning strengthened.
The two Development Objectives set forth below reflect the Development Objectives under USAID’s Regional Development Cooperation Strategy RDCS (2016-2020) and are aligned with COMESA’s Medium Term Strategic Plan 2016-2020. The MTSP articulates the COMESA’s five-year development strategy and goal of: creating an enabling trade and investment environment, with a focus on market integration, infrastructure development, industrialization (including small and medium enterprise development and regional industrial clusters), institutional and regulatory policies, and capacity development.
In order to actualize the set out development objectives, the USAID intends to recruit a Programme Communications Officer.

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