On 6.6.17

BBC Media Action is seeking Online Journalism Training Module writers to support media practitioners as part of an online journalism training programme.
  • Expected number of days per module: 4 - 6 working days
  • Language: Arabic or English 
Location: Online – home based. 
Contract duration: June – August 2017
To apply: 
Please send the following by email to fawzi.barghouthi@bbc.co.uk by June 18 2017, using Module Writer Application, [First Name], [Last Name] in the subject line:
  • A cover letter of maximum 1 page specifying which of the areas outlined below you are able to produce a module on, and how your experience meets the job requirements;
  • Your CV. If a company or collective, please include the CV(s) of the proposed writer(s). Max 2 pages per CV.
  • A financial proposal including daily rate, expected number of days per module, and length of proposed module. The work allows a high level of flexibility so please include your availability.
If you have any questions, please email Fawzi Barghouthi, fawzi.barghouthi@bbc.co.uk using ''Enquiry on Module Writer Application'' in a subject line. Applications not meeting the requirements above or not received within the deadline may be rejected. 
BBC Media Action is currently implementing a capacity strengthening project across the 6 Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates) which aims to empower journalists, citizen journalists, online publishers and other media practitioners with the technical and editorial capacity to produce accurate, balanced, impartial and credible reports that are based on multiple sources and present diverse viewpoints, and build their skills in facilitating common ground narratives and dialogue between different interest groups, with a particular focus on amplifying female voices. The project will aim to do this by conducting a series of online training courses, mentoring and publishing initiatives for a total of 100 trainees. The trainees will enrol in the online modules, engage with a mentor and in online discussions with other trainees, produce and publish material online. 
BBC Media Action is seeking module writers to design and produce an online course on one of the subjects below. You will be responsible for ensuring that each component of the course material is written and is presented in an effective and engaging manner.  You will produce a rigorous plan and be responsible for sourcing all the required material and resources for each module.  Working closely with the project team, you will develop a realistic delivery schedule and make sure deadlines are met and that the standard of work remains high and meets project aims.  All modules will be in line with BBC’s Editorial Guidelines found here: http://ift.tt/LaZHyj
Main Duties: 
  • Develop a plan for the course, including sequencing of content, determining the scope of educational material required and identifying the learning objectives;
  • Design all learning components of the course including interactive sections like quizzes and assessment activities;
  • Responsible for the layout and writing of the course, working with the project team to ensure it remains relevant to contexts of where the training is taking place and that it is meeting the objectives of the project;
  • Write any supporting (downloadable) resources that are necessary;
  • Responsible for any updates, changes and rewrites up to delivery;
  • Select appropriate external resources and any other material for the course;
  • Identify and communicate any potential issues in good time and working with the project team to help resolve them.
Module writers applying for this call will:
  • Have at least five years’ experience in media or journalism;
  • Have extensive experience as a trainer in one or more of the areas under Annex I below; experience designing and producing online training modules an advantage;
  • Have a thorough understanding of journalism ethics. Familiarity with BBC Editorial Values is an advantage. 
Module outlines:
Please note that this is indicative and may change at contracting phase
Module I: Basic skills for digital content creators, online and social media practitioners, social media influencers; citizen and mainstream journalists.
  • Introduction to Journalism: What are the fundamental values of journalism? What is the different between news and news agenda? This module covers the key concepts of accuracy, balance and impartiality.
  • News writing: What is the main element to consider when writing a news story? What makes a strong news story? What is breaking news? This module covers the basic principles of news writing.
  • Ethical standards: This module covers ethical standards in general but focuses more in-depth on accuracy, impartiality and Independence and using multiple sources. The module contains many examples from the GCC context. Understanding how to ethically deal with restrictions presented by the context they work in, to understand local cyber-security and defamation and libel laws and to protect themselves, their readers and their sources. Participants will gain skills and knowledge on how to write factually accurate. Unbiased balanced manner.
Module II: Social Media and User Generated Content
  • Lesson 1: Overview of social networking sites (focus decided by outcome of needs analysis): What are social networking sites? Introductory material will include an overview of the platforms available online and some of technical advancements which underpin them. Participants will learn how to harness social networking sites and promote their outputs effectively; where to publish and how to understand their audiences, and the best uses of each platform.
  • Lesson 2: Using user generated content: Can journalists use the content that is produced online? How can they be sure user-generated content is genuine?? What is the best way to benefit from this content? Social networking sources are very important but strong research skills are needed, and getting feedback from audience is important.  Participants will learn how to use verification tools of user generated content.
  • Lesson 3: Digital Safety: How to protects my online, and social media accounts and save my Data.
Module III: Advanced journalism skills – Mobile journalism and digital storytelling
  • Mobile Journalism (Production – depending on survey results): How can a smartphone be used to produce attractive high quality video, audio and photo content. Participants will learn how to get the best out of apps supplied with their smartphones and available online to produce high quality multimedia content for their online presence. 
  • Digital Storytelling (most likely video, but possibly audio/ podcasts or both depending on survey results): The course will provide clear and simple parameters for the production of short audio or video pieces. The participants will learn how these pieces can be suitably made for the web, utilising simple technology, and open source software, to tell stories creatively and to a high standards. The participants will learn how to conceptualise a story, break it down into shot lists, and produce a written script.
  • Data journalism: What is data journalism, and how can you use data to tell stories. Participants will learn essential concepts, techniques and skills to work with data, where to source their data, and how to find, analyse, organise data.
  • Feature Stories (depending on survey results): What is a feature story? What is the difference between feature stories and news stories? What are the different types of feature stories? What are the ingredients that are required to write a feature story? This module includes practical training for writing a feature story.
  • In-depth/ investigative reporting
  • Conducting interviews: How do you conduct a successful interview? How do you choose between the different interviewing techniques? How do you prepare for an interview? Choosing questions, different methods, and standards and ethics related to interviews are covered in this module.
Module V Moderation and community management
  • Mapping your ‘digital day’: How to have a good production/ planning strategy. Participants will learn how platforms differ, how to produce shareable content for each platform, and how to assess which content they produce works and which doesn’t. The participant will be able to produce a good production/ planning strategy.
  • Moderating online debate: How to moderate your online community. Participants will learn how to keep their audiences engaged, how ‘information bubbles’ work and how to produce content that crosses these bubble. The participants will learn now to better understand their audience and how they consume media; understand ethical rules around community management, the limitation of online “debate”; how to keep conversations going and how to produce follow up content. 

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