On 5.6.17

Makonde Road, Skoya Business grounds, Vigaeni Street, Plot No. 79-82
Box 423 Mtwara-Tanzania
Mob: +255 787 313 819, +255 786 877 210, +255 788 046 340.
E-mail: msoapi@yahoo.com

BORESHA AFYA is a 5 year project funded by USAID in which MSOAPO will implement as a Sub grantee to Deloitte consulting, although, subject to availability of funds from USAID - the project will operate in phases and then renewable contracts. As part of the project implementation, MSOAPO is calling for Job applicants to fill in the following vacant positions:

MSOAPO is seeking to recruit a dynamic and strategic individual to fill the position of Community Based HIV Services Focal Person (CBHS- FP).The incumbent will oversee the overall management and performance of USAID BORESHA AFYA project; and will be accountable to Project Coordinator. The applicant must be outstanding integrity, with a track record of successfully implementing organization strategies.

1. Support and assist CBHS project coordinator in the implementation of integrated CBHS activities.
2. Facilitate the distribution of CBHS kits and other social support to People living with HIV (PLHIV)
3. Supervise volunteers in provision of comprehensive integrated care (HIV/TB, PMTCT/PED/EID,TB, FP, GENDER AND YOUTH) to PLHIV
4. Facilitate bidirectional linkage of PLHIV to facilities for further management and from facilities to CBHS services.
5. Participate in coordination or other relevant meetings
6. Facilitate and support establishment of PLHIV support groups and SILC groups.
7. Facilitate tracking of clients who miss their appointments.
8. Support CBHS and the related trainings
9. Monitor and evaluate CBHS activities
10. Prepare monthly/quarterly/annual reports
11. Supervise data collection and reports from volunteers

Minimum Qualification requirement:
Diploma or Degree in;
 Nursing,
 Social work
 Counseling,
 Community Development or Sociology.

Key competencies and attributes:
 Must have Computer skills and knowledge at least word and excel.
 High integrity and honesty
 Excellent presentation and communication skills (both spoken and written)
 Self-driven and results oriented
 Good inter-personality and understanding

The Employee will be expected to do the following with the approval of the Employer or his representative:
1. Ensure that all files are arranged in a convenient system so that they can be retrieved quickly.
2. Provide on the job training on data management to volunteers.
3. Ensure that files and other documents are looked after carefully
4. Ensure that the IT room is always clean and free of dust and other harmful material
5. Coordinate with the CBHS FPs to ensure data quality
6. Prepare and send appropriate reports to USAID Boresha Afya regional office as per official requirement
7. Prepare and send to CBHS monthly and quarterly reports as required
8. Updating PLHIV master register /books and making sure that all exits are allocated in monthly basis.
9. Perform any other duties as determined by the employer or his representative
10.Enter all newly identified PLHIV computerized database on a daily Basis

Required Qualifications:
 Diploma in IT, Computer Science, Statistics, Health Records or other related field.
 A minimum of 1 year experience in handling health records, statistical data or population / demographic data or information.
 Excellent computer skills on Ms Office applications especially Ms Word, Ms Excel and Ms Access. Ms PowerPoint.
 Knowledge of data management principles.

Required Experience & Competencies:
 Knowledge of Ministry of Health, Community development, gender, elderly and children (MoHCDGEC) Data Tools i.e DHIS is added advantage.
 Participation in assessments, surveys, research, censuses or other data collection or data management capacity building exercises is an added advantage.

Note: He or She should not exceed 45 year of age

If you believe that you are the right candidate of this position, kindly submit your application with details’ CV, Photocopies of your Academic Certificates and testimonials, name of three Referees with their contacts, state your current position, remuneration, your e-mail address and telephone contacts. Send via email address ajiramsoapo@yahoo.com or submit hardcopies direct to the MSOAPO head office located at Skoya business grounds, Mtwara Municipality through below address before 09th June 2017 16:30 hrs;

Executive Secretary
Mtwara Society Against Poverty (MSOAPO)
P. O. Box 423
E-mail: ajiramsoapo@yahoo.com

We respect all candidates but we can only respond to shortlisted candidates. MSOAPO is an equal opportunity employer, women are highly encouraged to apply

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