On 1.8.17

Tanzania Development Information Organization
TADIO (The Network of Community Content Based Media of Tanzania)
Open University of Tanzania, OUT Headquarters, Kinondoni,
P.O Box 76776, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
VACANCY No: TADIO/B/ADM/01/ 20170731C
JOB TITLE: Coordinator
LOCATION: Dar es Salaam
Key Responsibilities
The functions of the Coordinator shall be determined by the Board in the operational guidelines and shall include the following:-
i. Be the leader and a spokesperson for the Secretariat /Management team
ii. Be the responsible person in dealing with supervision and overseeing implementation of all day to day programmes for the organisation
iii. Be responsible for prudent sourcing, handling, management advising, initiating and supervising all financial, human and material resources of the organisation.
iv. Be creative in initiating new projects,
v. Be competent in proposal writing and follow up
vi. Prepare annual plans, budgets and reports for approval by the Board
vii. Play the role of a Public Relations Officer and do all such things as are necessary for the achievement of the objectives of the Organisation pursuant to TADIO’s Constitution and or as may be required by the Board or AGM.
A. Education
• BA Degree in Mass Communication
B. Experience
• At least 4 years in journalism and or Media and Project Management;
• Knowledge of the target Radio audience and an ability to make productions for them;
• Ability to read, understand, interpret and implement the organisation strategic plan
• Knowledge in legal framework in the media landscape in Tanzania and global level
• Must be familiar with other media institutions in Tanzania
• Proven skills in multimedia productions (Sound knowledge of the electronic media)
• Ability to translate creative ideas
• Ability to implement the Strategic plan according to the timeframe
• Ability to organize and run training workshops, debates and discussions
• Excellent in communication (PR)
• Awareness of current trends
• Fluent in spoken and written English;
• Excellent coordinator;
• Knowledge of French language is an added advantage;
Other attributes:
• Must not be a member of TADIO or any other community media network
• Should be well defined working discipline
How to Apply:
Applicants are kindly requested to send their applications documents to the email below: newnetwork2017@gmail.com
Deadline: 15 August 2017.
The application documents to be submitted include a copy of updated CVs and copy of academic certificates which is mandatory. Two letters from referees pined with passport size picture.
Applicants will be short-listed on the basis of their qualifications and work experience. Only short-listed candidates will be invited for interviews.

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