On 9.6.18



Governance and innovation for strengthening the sisal and rice value chain is the project that is
implemented by Oxfam in Tanzania and funded by Oxfam Hong Kong. Overall aim of the project
is to improve gender equity and sustainable income for smallholder farmers throughout the sisal
and rice value chain in 6 districts in the Shinyanga, Simiyu and Geita regions of Tanzania.
Specifically the project intends to strengthen the institutional capacity of market associations at
the district and national levels to become profitable, well-governed and transparent enterprises,
enhance smallholder farmers’ capacity to participate in local and national dialogue to strengthen
governance and accountability practices in the sisal and rice value chains and support smallholder
farmers to identify and pilot the adoption of innovative farming approaches and new technologies
and processes based on the local context for use in primary production and up and downstream
economic activities.
Rice and sisal value chains provide an opportunity to support smallholder farmers to access
sustainable income and improve gender equality. Given the climate change catastrophe in project
sites which is mostly associated with uneven rainfall distribution across the season, farming
season becomes unpredictable due to shortage of rainfall. However, to respond to climate change
impact, Small holder’s farmers employed a number of adaptive and resilient strategies for coping
mechanism, among others include: construction of shallow well for rainwater harvesting and
utilization of drought tolerant seeds. Further small holders’ farmers established 17 demonstration
plots using modern farming. While in sisal value chain climate resilient initiatives includes sisal
inter-crop farming and spacing.

The project fost

1. Document success stories from farmers group particularly women on resilient strategy and
related enterprises established by group.
2. Identify and document case studies for learning and scaling up to benefit other small
holders’ farmers beyond the district.
3. Gather robust evidence of climate resilient in rice and sisal for sharing widely with policy
makers at local and National level

Purpose of the Consultancy
Oxfam in Tanzania is seeking a consultant who has expertise in electronic media and video
editing, interviewing, and the creation of short documentaries as well as case study development
and picture taking. S/he must have extensive experience in editing documentaries and videos.
The consultant will be expected to present samples of their previous work of a similar nature with
their expression of interest and technical proposals.

Expected Output
1. Outlined Video Script; explaining what will be captured (what, who will be on shot)
2. Work plan for filming.
3. Providing raw footage in flash/external
4. Two written case studies not more than three pages (format to be provided)
5. Two DVDs (Swahili and English versions of the documentary)
6. Photography in flash

Scope of work
1. Briefing meeting at Oxfam office to meet the team, finalize the contract, and meet the
consultant and agree timings: an inception report before field work which will include a
clear methodology of how they will conduct the assignment.
2. Reviewing project documentation
3. Work with the Oxfam team and the consultant to agree a draft of the documentation.
4. Travel for documentation purposes
5. Editing and submission of final products
1. A finalised detailed field work planning.
2. Explanation of what will be captured.
3. 10 pages of case study including cover page and references.
4. External/Hard-drive of field photograph.

Payment schedule
An advance of 50% of the total consultancy costs will be paid 5 days after signature of the
contractual agreement and the remaining 50% on satisfactory completion of the deliverables as
outlined in the ToR and the agreement.

You will be spending 20 days preparing, field visit and production of case study in a format that
will be shared. The expected date of the start of the case study is 4th June 2018.

Qualifications and requirements from potential Consultants

1. Diploma or Degree in TV production or related field.
2. Strong experiences in production of video documentary of development program, gender
equality or related fields.
3. Sample of case study of similar or related assignments (two or more)
4. CV
5. Capability statement....

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