On 15.11.18

 Job Opportunity at Jambo Bukoba, Project Manager

Place of Work/Location: Kagera, Tanzania
Application Deadline: 12.12.2018
Type of Contract: Fixed term contract
Languages Required: English & Kiswahili
Starting Date: Feb 2019
Duration of Initial Contract: One Year

Information about Jambo Bukoba:
Jambo Bukoba is a NGO, founded in Germany in 2008, and works in collaboration with Tanzanian local government. Jambo Bukoba supports children and young people in Kagera, Tanzania, by teaching them about the prevention of HIV, by encouraging equal opportunities for girls and by helping to improve the quality of education. We create a framework for teaching sport and the development of children through games, because we believe that sport is the best means of making children and young people strong and healthy so that they can cope with the harsh realities of daily life and so that they learn to behave responsibly towards themselves and others as a preparation for life.

1. During 5-day training sessions called “Life Skills through Games“ sports teachers learn games which can help educate pupils about HIV/AIDS and further develop their social skills. In addition, general teaching skills such as planning and structuring a games lesson and how to conduct a lesson are a fundamental parts of the training. The programme is the fruit of eight months’ work by Sebastian Rockenfeller, who is a specialist in Sport and Development and who was commissioned to work for Jambo Bukoba by the German Foreign Office and the German Olympic Federation in conjunction with the German Sports University in Cologne. “Life Skills through Games” is designed to meet the needs and conditions on the ground in Tanzania. It brings together both the teaching philosophy and the practical requirements of the teacher training programme.

2. After the workshops schools get the chance to participate in a sports competition called Bonanza. Through the competitions we have an incentive and a method to observe the quality in which the teachers were teaching the workshops content of “Life Skills through Games” in their schools. Therefore, the Bonanzas are not so much about sporting success but more about fair play and gender equality. We place great emphasis on equality and in particular the strengthening of the girls. A team is made out of 30 students, of which at least 50% are girls. Each Bonanza includes 180 participating students. The finalists of the districts qualify for the finals in the city of Bukoba.

3. All schools, which win their District-Bonanza are rewarded with a cooperation for a school building project. This can be a renovation of classrooms, the building of libraries, toilets, water tanks with hand washing facilities or whatever the schools decides. We then cooperate with the school whereby Jambo Bukoba covers 75% (up to 4.000.000 TZS) of the building costs and the schools with their district and community are covering 25%. This contribution does not have to be money, it can also contain working power or building materials.

4. In 2016 we started a pilot project for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in eight schools. Therefore, again in cooperation with the school and community, we are providing a rain water tank, a handwashing facility and hygiene education.
For the future we are planning to extend the Jambo Bukoba principles to other regions. Moreover, we are working on a follow up concept for youth after primary school which is called Jambo Bukoba Campus.

The Project Manager Intern Position is crucial to the success of Jambo Bukoba integrated services. The position requires a high degree of integrity, professionalism, flexibility and perseverance, as well as the ability to anticipate, identify and resolve project management problems.
We are looking for highly passionate, professional, enthusiastic and energetic Project Manager Intern to support the ongoing activities of Jambo Bukoba. The Project Manager Intern will be responsible person for assisting project activities in four districts.

Project Manager Intern will have the following duties and responsibilities:

  • The Project Manager Intern will be assisting on overseeing all duties related to project management in four districts of Kyerwa, Karagwe, Bukoba rural and Bukoba Municipal.
  • The Project Manager Intern will be responsible to assist trainers to conduct and facilitate Physical Education Teachers Workshop
  • The Project Manager Intern will be responsible on making sure Jambo Bukoba games are well played in schools.
  • The Project Manager will be assisting on organizing bonanza at a district level
  • In collaboration with the Bukoba team, the project manager intern is responsible for organizing the grand regional bonanza.
  •  The Project Manager Intern is responsible on facilitating the building projects to its realisation.
  • The Project Manager Intern is responsible on making sure Jambo Bukoba values are followed and respected in schools.
  • The Project Manager Intern is responsible on reporting the development of projects on four districts
  • The Project Manager Intern is responsible on nurturing the good relationship between the government, communities, schools and Jambo Bukoba. 

Core Competencies:

  • Take responsibility. Discretion combined with 100% honesty and trustworthy.
  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the JB values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of Jambo Bukoba;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Be a good ambassador of Jambo Bukoba in sports, gender issues, HIV/AIDS awareness and education 

Functional Competencies:

  • Organization and accurately completes multiple tasks by establishing priorities while taking into consideration special assignments, frequent interruptions, deadlines, available resources and multiple reporting relationships;
  • Plans, coordinates and organizes workload while remaining aware of changing priorities and competing deadlines;
  • Establishes, builds and maintains effective working relationships with staff and stakeholders to facilitate the provision of maximum support 


  • Focuses on result for the JB project;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills;
  • Remains calm, in control and good humoured even under pressure;
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities;
  • Responds positively to critical feedback and differing points of view;
  • Solicits feedback from staff about the impact of his/her own behaviour. 


  • University Degree preferably in Project Management, Business Administration, Economics or related field. 

Language Requirements:

  • Fluency in written and spoken Kiswahili and English. 

• A beautiful office and workplace
• Fair salary
• Transport
• Accommodation
• Health insurance

How to Apply
Please apply in English using your CV (including education, internships, working experiences and employments) and covering letter (as a motivational letter why you are interested in this position and Jambo Bukoba) as a single document. Also include actual and expected annual gross compensation for this position and references from former working experiences.

Please send your application to imani.paul@jambobukoba.com
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