On 4.11.18

Accountant & Administrator 

Other Dar es Salaam District Dar Es Salaam


1. Administration Management:

  • Monthly recording of bills, invoices, receipts of WeWorld Tanzania’s budget and its projects directly implemented, by using the means and the information systems provided by the Employer
  • Monthly filing of accounting documents of the costs related to WeWorld Tanzania’s budget and its projects directly implemented
  • Monthly verification and monitoring of the accountancy and financial reports prepared by the Partners of WeWorld Tanzania
  • Management and reconciliation of the bank and cash accounts
  • Ensure that all partners accounts and procedures meet WeWorld demands
  • Assist the Financial Manager in the final revision of interim and final financial reports and financial annexesPreparation of all necessary documents for tax practices and legal procedures
  • Management and control of the petty cash
  • Monthly preparation of payrolls (salaries, consultancy fees and taxation) based on the authorization of the Financial Manager and Country Representative
  • Monthly filling of the formats for NSSF, PAYE, HESLB, WCF, SDL and Staff Insurance and their submission as per procedures
  • Monthly distribution of mobile vouchers to staff as per Country Representative authorization.
  • Preparation of the annual Government Tax Declaration
  • Upon request, provision of support to the Financial Manager on providing information and delivery of documents to public offices and public authorities such as TRA, Immigration Office, Registrar Office and other Tanzanian Institutions as well as Embassies.
  • Keep in line both the procedures and the activities of WeWorld Tanzania with the current legislation of The United Republic of Tanzania, as well as with any legislative change that might occur
  • Perform periodic field monitoring missions at WeWorld’s partners offices in order to check that each partner is implementing properly the WeWorld’s procedures and following the WeWorld’s financial norms

2. Logistics and Procurement

  • Deal with suppliers and purchase office materials upon request of the Financial Manager
  • Maintain equipment inventories
  • Support WeWorld Tanzania partners in the appropriate use of the financial reporting tools
  • Ensure the payment of all taxes, insurance and services for WeWorld’s car

3. Audit

  • Advice WeWorld Tanzania partners about both the good practices and the international standards of accountancy & administration, auditing, and national financial and labour regulations
  • Assist the Financial Manager in the preparation of annual audit
  • Assist auditors during the annual audit



· Applications must be done in English

· Specify in the subject WW/18/01/AA

· The application must include Cover Letter, Curriculum Vitae (up to date, maximum 3 pages), and contact information of at least 3 references (email and phone number)

· Please do not send certificates and diplomas through e-mail: they will be requested only from pre-selected candidates.

· Closing date for Applications is Sunday, November 11th, 2018. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. WeWorld Intervita will close the selection as soon as the selected candidate is chosen.

· Please, send us your application only if you met the mandatory qualifications and experiences mentioned above.
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