On 5.2.19

Facilitator /Coordinator  

Review and Development of a Comprehensive Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Strategy for Tanzania
Overview of the Consultancy WHO Country Office is seeking for an individual to facilitate and coordinate the review and development of a comprehensive cervical and other Reproductive Health cancers prevention and control strategy.

1. Background Over a quarter of a million women die of cervical cancer each year, with 90% of deaths occurring in low – and middle-income countries. Women living with HIV are at 4-5 times greater risk of developing cervical cancer, which is the second most common cancer in women in low-and middle- income countries. Cervical cancer has significant economic and societal costs, which include the costs of treatment, loss of income for both those affected and their caregivers.
Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women worldwide and the leading cause of cancer – related morbidity and mortality in women in developing countries. It is estimated that, yearly there are 529,000 new cases of cervical cancer and 274,000 deaths due to cervical cancer worldwide. One-tenth of the estimated, 72,000 new cases and 56,000 cervical cancer deaths occur in sub-Saharan African countries. The Globocan 2018 report indicate that, the cancer burden has risen to 18.1 million new cases and 9.6 million deaths, One in 5 men and one in 6 women worldwide develop cancer during lifetime, and one in 8 men and one in 11 women die from the disease. Effective prevention efforts may explain the observed decrease in incidence rates of cervical cancer in most regions apart from Sub-Sahara Africa.

The country has a population of 14.88 million women ages 15 years and older who are at risk of developing cervical cancer. It is estimated that, there are 7,304 women newly diagnosed with cervical cancer and 4,216 women die yearly. Breast cancer ranks the second most common cancer among Tanzanian women with age adjusted incidence rate of 17.5 cases per 100,000 and mortality of 7.8 deaths per 100,000 populations. Together, breast and cervical cancer account for more than half of all cancer cases in Tanzania. The prevalence of prostate cancer in the country is in increasing. The age adjusted death rate is 36/100,000 of the population and mortality of 22.0 per 100,000 populations (Globocan, 2018).

The Government of Tanzania through the Ministry of Health Community Development, Gender Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC) in collaboration with World Health Organization (WHO) and Partners developed a National Comprehensive Strategy for prevention and Control of Cervical Cancer 2011-2015. The implementation of evidence-based interventions has been on going.

In 2016, as part of Control of Non-Communicable Diseases, the World Health Organization and Partners launched the Global Joint Programme on Cervical Cancer during the UN General Assembly, of which Tanzania is among the first six countries selected to participate, The other countries are; Bolivia, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Morocco and Myanmar. This is part of the UN Global response to eliminate cervical cancer as global public health issue. The purpose is to support governments in the development and implementation of a functioning and sustainable high quality national comprehensive cervical cancer control programme (NCCCP) with women accessing services equitably. The UN Global Joint Programme will implement the WHO comprehensive approach to cervical cancer prevention and control namely, introduction and scaling up of HPV vaccination, introduction and expanding coverage of screening and treatment of precancerous lesions, prompt management of invasive cancers, access to palliative care and monitoring using a standard set of indicators and tools to end cervical cancer.

In December 2017, UN Joint Programme Inception mission took place and among the key recommendations included;

  • Develop a costed national comprehensive cervical cancer control plan, building on the review of the previous first NCCPCSP,
  • Develop a comprehensive cervical cancer advocacy and communication plan aligned to the new NCCPCSP
  • Strengthen existing screening and treatment of pre-cancerous lesions services for effective secondary prevention of cervical cancer and plan for expansion
  • Strengthen existing diagnosis and treatment services for cervical cancer
  • Strengthen cervical cancer monitoring and surveillance system.
  • Mobilize civil society, including networks of women living with HIV, the sexual and reproductive health and women’s movements, to engage in the movement to eliminate cervical cancer in Tanzania.

Purpose/Specific Objective of the Activity
The purpose of the activity is to support the MOHCDGEC to review and draft evidenced based 5 Years comprehensive reproductive cancers strategic plan with priority actions that should be implemented to contribute to the reduction of incidence of reproductive health cancers (breast, cervical and prostate) in the country..

3. Scope of work and tasks In collaboration with Reproductive Health Cancer unit team and WHO technical officer, the individual will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Prepare an inception report with a work schedule outlining the activities to be conducted with timeline for accomplishment of the deliverables to MOHCDGEC
  • Conduct extensive literature review of various relevant National and International policies, guidelines and reports to gather evidence and align the new Strategic Plan. Among the national document for review includes but not limited to National Health Policy, National Development Vision 2025, HSSP IV, One RMNCAH Plan II, National NCD strategy, National Cancer Control Strategy, the Tanzania Service Delivery Guidelines for Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control and the National Cervical Cancer Strategic plan 2015, landscape analysis for Breast cancer report, National Guideline for Prostate Cancer Screening and Treatment, National Guideline for Early diagnosis of Breast cancer and Referral for Treatment,
  • Facilitate workshops with a wide range of stakeholders to gather information and agree on the format and priority interventions,
  • Documentation of the workshop proceedings and share the Ministry of Health and WHO,
  • Develop and present a draft of proposed strategic plan, with the stakeholders and have their feedback on the report,
  • Develop a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework to ensure that the achievement of the Operational Plan can be tracked.
  • Submit the first draft of the new five years Strategic Plan for review by stakeholders
  • Incorporate recommendations from international and national peer reviewers into the draft Strategic plan,
  • Submit the new 5 years Strategic plan to the MOHCDGEC and WHO electronically and in a hard copy in a format that will be agreed including a popular version of the plan.


  • Inception report outlining key activities, deliverables and timeline
  • Desk review report 3. Documentation of workshop proceedings
  • Draft strategic plan
  • Power point Presentation final Strategic plan 6. Final version of Strategic plan and submission to MOHCDGEC and WHO.
  • Timeline and Duration of assignment The assignment should be completed within 20 working days commencing after signing of the contract
  • Remuneration The individual will be paid according to the WHO UN rates for consultants

Required Qualification and Experience

  • Background qualification in Medicine, Public Health or related Medical or Social sciences, Public Health, Policy or other related fields preferable in Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health and Cancer programme.
  • Minimum 10 years working experience in Tanzania health sector
  • Familiarity with Tanzania RMNCH policies and strategies
  • Experience in consultancy and research work in reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health and non-communicable diseases
  • Practical experience in managing/implementing reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health programs and production of guideline/tools/policy documents
  • Excellent English report writing, facilitation and communication skills

Job application procedure

Interested individual should send cover letter and a comprehensive Resume (Curriculum vitae) to the WHO Representative, Attention: Operations Officer, P.O. Box 9292, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, by Friday, 8th February 2019 Applications must be submitted in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked “Submission of Curriculum Vitae for DEVELOPMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE CERVICAL CANCER STRATEGIC PLAN” For detailed Terms of Reference send email to: mkumbwam@who.int
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