On 7.4.19

Ref.No.EA.7/96/01/J0/21 6th April, 2019

On behalf of Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA), Public Service Recruitment Secretariat
invites dynamic and suitably qualified Tanzanians to fill 333 vacant posts.

Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) was established under the Ports Act No. 17 of 2004.
The Authority is vested with the obligation and responsibility of developing, managing
and promoting the maritime sector in Tanzania mainland. The major role of TPA is to
enhance the advantages of the geographical position of Tanzania’s maritime resources
to fulfill its mandates including provision of services in relation to loading and unloading
of cargo and passenger services at all ports in Tanzania.
TPA’s vision is to lead the regional maritime trade and logistics services to excellence
and its mission is to develop and manage ports that provide world class maritime
services and promote excelling logistics services in eastern, central and southern Africa.
TPA continues to undertake substantial improvement measures to turn around its
performance in order to maintain competitiveness within the region.
As part of on-going improvements a number of job opportunities needs to be filled as
mentioned below;

1.0.1 Salary Grade: TPGS 1A
1.0.2 Station: Dar es Salaam & Mtwara
1.0.3 Report to: Security Assistant

1.0.4 Job purpose:
To ensure quality security services in the ports, Security of TPA
property and personnel, maintain effective control against
malpractices/irregularities and enforce compliance to ISPS Code and security
measures and safety.

1.0.5 Duties and Responsibilities
(i) Providing routine security services to protect employees at work and safeguard
corporate assets against theft, pilferage, damage, misuse or sabotage;
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) Participate in enforcing Security measures for Cargo in the port,
(iv) Keeps watch and guard of cargo and other TPA properties;
(v) Undertakes land side/sea side patrols;
(vi) Perform security duties at the KOJ, General Cargo and Passenger Terminals for
Dar es salaam Port;
(vii) Participate in port movement control;
(viii) Salvaging Cargo which is about to be stolen and reporting same to the
supervisors for safe custody; and
(ix) Performs any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.

1.0.6 Qualifications and Experience
Form IV National Examination Certificates with Basic Security Training Course from the
National Service. Only candidates completed National Service Between 2015 to 2018
will be considered .General experience in related field will be an added advantage.

1.0.7 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 1A with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.
1.0.8 AGE LIMIT : Between 18-30 years
2.0.1 Salary Grade: TPGS 2
2.0.2 Station: Dar es Salaam & Mtwara
2.0.3 Reports to: Assistant Operations Officer
2.0.4 Job Purpose:
Accurate documentations, timely release of cargo and maintenance
of safety and environmental standards.

2.0.5 Duties and Responsibilities
(i) Performs tallying and maintains records of movement of cargo;
(ii) Assists the Assistant Operations Officer to capture shift operational records;
(iii) Maintaining records of fuel supply to equipment;
(iv) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
workflow; and
(v) Performs any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.

2.0.6 Qualifications and Experience
Basic Technician Certificate in Shipping and Ports Management/ Certificate in Ports
Operations Clerk C with Computer skills, fluent in English and Swahili languages. The
of possession of Diploma in Shipping and Ports Management/ Certificate in Ports
Operations Clerk C will be added advantage.

2.0.7 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 2 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.
3.0.1 Station: Dar es Salaam & Tanga
3.0.2 Reports to: Respective Senior Technician/Port Engineer
3.0.3 Job purpose: Increased rate of availability and reliability of equipment and
timely implementation of maintenance schedules.

3.0.4 Duties & Responsibilities
(i) Leads a team of artisans to undertake maintenance jobs mechanical and
electrical for any of the following: Folk Lifts, Cargo Gear, Mobile Cranes,
Tractors, Trailers, plants, Heavy and light Duty vehicles and to manage the
Machine Shop;
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) Carries equipment maintenance according to specifications and standards.
(iv) Ensures adequacy of mechanical equipment and functioning electrical
(v) Designs replacement parts as per specifications and sample provided;
(vi) Inspects and confirms the quality of spare parts for plant;
(vii) Make full use of the computerized Maintenance Management System CMMS;
(viii) Prepares maintenance reports by collecting, analysing, and summarizing
information and trends; and
(ix) Perform any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.

3.0.5 Qualifications and Experience
National Technical Award (NTA) Level 6 or Ordinary Diploma or Full Technician
Certificate in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized learning institution, Candidates
with ordinary diploma in Engineering and Maintenance management from Bandari
College will have an added advantage plus General experience in related field and must
be Computer literate, fluent in both English and Swahili languages.
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 5 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

4.0.1 Station: Dar es Salaam
4.0.2 Reports to: Senior Technician Marine

4.0.3 Job purpose: Effective monitoring of project implementation, sound
Maintenance of facilities, quality repairs, safety and environmental management.

4.0.4 Duties & Responsibilities
(i) Supervises and co-ordinates civil works on marine/shed/office structures;
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) Ensures that repair works are promptly done and are on schedule;
(iv) Preventive maintenance schedules and monitors implementation;
(v) Prepares reports on defects identified on port facilities;
(vi) Liaises with other units in during repairs of various facilities;
(vii) Supervises, appraises staff and identifies development and training needs; and
(viii) Perform any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.

4.0.5 Qualification and Experience
National Technical Award (NTA) Level 6 or Ordinary Diploma or Full Technician
Certificate in Civil Engineering from a recognized learning institution, Candidates with
ordinary diploma in Engineering and Maintenance management from Bandari College
will have an added advantage plus General experience in related field and must be
Computer literate, fluent in both English and Swahili languages.

4.0.6 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 5 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

5.0.1 Station: Dar es Salaam, Tanga & Mwanza
5.0.2 Reports to: Respective Senior Technician/Port Engineer
5.0.3 Job purpose: Effective maintenance of portal cranes, electrical installations and
assurance for Port Power Supply.

5.0.4 Duties & Responsibilities
(i) Lead teams of Artisan in the undertaking of maintenance functions in any of the
following areas:
a) Maintenance of Portal Cranes at the quay side;
b) Major Overhauls and fabrications;
c) Electric Motor Rewinding, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning;
d) Port Power Supply, Office Buildings and the Substation.
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) Assists their respective Senior Technicians in the planning, coordination and
control of activities in the Electrical Workshop;
(iv) Supervises, appraises staff and identifies development and training needs; and
(v) Performs any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.

5.0.5 Qualifications & Experience
National Technical Award (NTA) Level 6 or Ordinary Diploma or Full Technician
Certificate in Electrical Engineering from a recognized Learning Institution., Candidates
with ordinary diploma in Engineering and Maintenance management from Bandari
College will have an added advantage plus General experience in related field and must
be Computer literate, fluent in both English and Swahili languages.

5.0.6 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 5 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

6.0.1 Station: Tanga
6.0.2 Reports to: Senior Technician (Welding)
6.0.3 Job purpose:
Effective maintenance of infrastructure and Supervision of activities at site.

6.0.4 Duties & Responsibilities
(i) Supervises Welding and Plumbing activities;
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) Compiles inventories of material requirement and supervises for their proper use;
(iv) Report promptly to the Senior Civil Engineer on the progress of work;
(v) Prepares task completion report that include details of work done, equipment,
tools and material used and labour deployed; and
(vi) Performs any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.
6.0.5 Qualifications & Experience
National Technical Award (NTA) Level 6 or Ordinary Diploma or Full Technician
Certificate in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized Learning Institution. ,
Candidates with ordinary diploma in Engineering and Maintenance management from
Bandari College will have an added advantage plus General experience in related field
and must be Computer literate, fluent in both English and Swahili languages.
6.0.6 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 5 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

7.0.1 Station: Tanga
7.0.2 Reports to: Senior Technician (Marine)
7.0.3 Job purpose: Increased rate of availability and reliability of equipment and
timely implementation of maintenance schedules.

7.0.4 Duties & Responsibilities
(i) Leads a team of artisans to undertake maintenance jobs in the Engine Shop and
Machine Shops, including auto-electricity;
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) Carries out equipment maintenance according to specifications and standards;
(iv) Ensures adequacy of the functioning of crafts;
(v) Perform any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time

7.0.5 Qualifications & Experience
National Technical Award (NTA) Level 6 or Ordinary Diploma or Ordinary Diploma or
Full Technician Certificate (Marine or Mechanical Engineering), Must be Computer
literate; fluent in English and Swahili languages. General experience in related field will
be an added advantage.

7.0.6 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 5 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

8.0.1 Salary Grade : TPGS 8
8.0.2 Station: Dar es Salaam
8.0.3 Report To: Assistant Port Manager Marine Services
8.0.4 Job purpose:
To provide Pilotage & Safe Berthing & un-berthing of Vessels,
Safe and environmental management measures and ensure achievement of set

8.0.5 Duties and Responsibilities
(i) Supervises Sailing of ships/ other vessels for safe berthing & un- berthing within
the Port;
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) Ensures Piloting of Ships and other Vessels for safe berthing & un berthing within
the Port as per approved procedures;
(iv) Controls piloting of Vessels/ Tugs beyond Harbour boundaries within the approved
(v) Pilots Tugs / Floating Crane for dry docking;
(vi) Ensures achievement of set departmental targets;
(vii) Ensures outgoing ship has a valid outward clearance before leaving their current
(viii) Ensures Pilot Log sheet and Masters Report are accurately feed up for billing
(ix) Ensures maintenance of accurate records;
(x) Participates in developing departmental plans and strategies on ship berthing;
(xi) Supervises, appraises staff and identifies development and training needs;
(xii) Ensures ships berth in ports meets safety environmental control measures; and
(xiii) Performs any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.

8.0.6 Qualifications and Experience
Holder of Class I Certificate of Competence (Master Mariner). At least five (5) years of
working experience in Sea Services. Must be computer literate and Fluent in English
and Swahili language. Bachelor degree in Marine Nautical Science will be an added

8.0.7 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 8 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

9.0.1 Salary Grade :TPGS 7
9.0.2 Station: Dar es Salaam
9.0.3 Report to: Assistant Port Manager Marine Services
9.0.4 Objective: To ensure safe berthing & un-berthing of Vessels, quality service to
barges/ships, safe piloting and ensure safety and environmental measures.

9.0.5 Duties and Responsibilities
(i) Sails ships/other vessels for safe berthing & un-berthing within the Port;
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) Pilots Ships/other Vessels for safe berthing & un-berthing within the Port;
(iv) Pilots Vessels/Tugs and other vessels beyond harbor/ lake boundaries;
(v) Pilots Tugs/other vessels / Floating Crane for dry docking;
(vi) Ensures that all outgoing ships/other vessels have valid outward clearance;
(vii) Ensures Pilot Log sheet and Master Report are accurately filled up for billing
purposes; and
(viii) Performs any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.

9.0.6 Qualifications and Experience
Holder of Class II Certificate of Competence (Master Mariner). At least three (3) years working experience in Sea Services. Must be computer literate and Fluent in English and Swahili language. Bachelor degree in Marine Nautical Science will be an added advantage.

9.0.7 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 7 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

10.0.1 Salary Grade: TPGS 7
10.0.2 Station: Dar es Salaam
10.0.3 Reports to: Chief Fire, Safety, Health and Environment
10.0.4 Job Purpose:
To ensure availability and reliability of safety and health management systems, Improved rate of awareness on safety and health measures by ports’ employees and stakeholders and zero rating on accidents at ports.

10.0.5 Duties And Responsibilities
(i) Ensure all Safety and health activities at the ports and Headquarters are
implemented according to requirement of the laws;
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) Make follow up to ensure that there is proper implementation of the safety and
health issues in line with TPA strategic plan;
(iv) Assist to conduct rigorous risk assessment and accident management systems
are in place;
(v) Study the existing safety and health policies, regulations and regulations and
identify all non-compliances for improvement and enforcement;
(vi) Ensure the Occupational Safety and Health Authority (Competent Authority)
conduct the workplaces inspections according to the laws;
(vii) Ensure the availability of warning and directional signs at different port’s locations
and enforce compliance to the same;
(viii) Promote the compliance of the safety and health standards at the workplaces;
(ix) Assist in preparation of operations manuals and plans for safe working
procedures and avoiding accidents; and
(x) Performs any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.
10.0.6 Qualifications and Experience
Master’s degree in Engineering or Environment from any recognized higher learning
Institution. Must be Computer Literate, fluent in English and Swahili languages. At least
three (3) years of general experience in related activities of which one (1) year of
working experience in Occupational, Health & Safety Management. Advanced
Certificate in safety and health Management will be an added advantage.

10.0.7 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 7 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

11.0.1 Salary Grade: TPGS 6
11.0.2 Station: Mwanza
11.0.3 Reports to: Port Manager Lake Victoria
11.0.4 Job Purpose: To ensure effective marine performance planning and control and
timely availability of marine services

11.0.5 Duties and Responsibilities
(i) Maintains and repair of all marine craft;
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) Participates in running, operation and maintenance of propulsion and electrical
systems aboard the vessel;
(iv) Inspects and maintain all equipment and reports malfunctions and make
adjustments or repairs;
(v) Monitors and record fuel consumption and lubricants;
(vi) Inspects marine vessels for corrective maintenance;
(vii) Conducts maintenance, service and repairs of marine vessels;
(viii) Manages the operation of propulsion plant machinery;
(ix) Plans and schedule ferry operations;
(x) Detects and identify the cause of machinery malfunctions and correct faults;
(xi) Maintains safety and security of marine vessels, crew and passengers and the
operational condition of life-saving, fire-fighting and other safety system;
(xii) Ensures that the engines and the engine components are in good condition and
ready to run; and
(xiii) Performs any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.

11.0.6 Qualifications and Experience
Holder of Class II Certificate of Competence from any recognized learning Institution. At
least three (3) years of working experience in Sea Services. Must be computer literate
and Fluent in both English and Swahili language. Bachelor degree in Marine
Engineering will be an added advantage.

11.0.7 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 6 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

12.0.1 Salary Grade: TPGS 6
12.0.2 Station: Dar es Salaam
12.0.3 Reports to: Principal Medical Officer
12.0.4 Job Purpose: Quality Laboratory Services, control of Lab Material and
availability of Specimen reagents.

12.0.5 Duties and Responsibilities
(i) Handles and organizes patients’ specimen for laboratory assessment and
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) Manages the laboratory equipment, apparatus and reagents;
(iv) Receives, files and labels patients specimen as ordered by clinicians;
(v) Diagnoses specimen in the laboratory and files reports;
(vi) Organizes and keeps laboratory records;
(vii) Organizes for appropriate places and laboratories for specimen requiring facilities
and technology not available in the TPA facility;
(viii)Supervises Assistant Laboratory Technicians; and
(ix) Perform any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.
12.0.6 Qualifications and Experience
Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Technology from any recognized higher
learning Institution. Must be computer Literate and fluent in both English and Swahili
languages. General experience in related field will be an added advantage.

12.0.7 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 6 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

13.0.1 Salary Grade: TPGS 4
13.0.2 Station: Kigoma
13.0.3 Reports to: Assistant Accountant/Finance Officer
13.0.4 Job purpose: Safe custody of important financial documents and cash and

13.0.5 Duties and Responsibilities
(i) Follows up payments that have been authorized;
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) Prepares and maintains cheque journals;
(iv) Prepares proper banking documents;
(v) Keeps cheques and cash under constant lock and key;
(vi) Maintains registry of all documents supporting payments made;
(vii) Prepares periodic reports and submits to concerned authorities on time; and
(viii) Performs any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.

13.0.6 Qualifications and Experience
Ordinary Diploma in Accounts from a recognized higher learning Institution. Must be
Computer literate and fluent in English and Swahili languages. General experience in
related field will be an added advantage.

13.0.7 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 4 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

14.0.1 Salary Grade: TPGS 4
14.0.2 Station: Dar es Salaam
14.0.3 Report to: Senior Tug Master
14.0.4 Job Purpose: Effective coordination of tugs and safe tugging of vessels
14.0.5 Duties and Responsibilities
(i) Supervises the tug deck staff (sailors);
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) Supervises cleanliness and tidiness of the craft;
(iv) Supervises splicing of ropes and winch;
(v) Supervises paint work, chipping and cleaning of the tug;
(vi) Assists the Tug Master by showing signs and to works hand in hand with him
during operations; and
(vii) Performs any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.

14.0.6 Qualifications and Experience
Holder of Class 3 Certificate of Competence from any recognized institution with
working experience of at least one (1) year in sea services. Must be computer Literate
and Fluent in both English and Swahili languages.

14.0.7 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 4 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.
15.0.1 Salary Grade: TPGS 4
15.0.2 Station: Dar es Salaam & Mtwara
15.0.3 Reports to: Senior Nurse Midwife
15.0.4 Job Purpose: To ensure that nursing care and organization are carried out
properly in all subsection of the unit.

15.0.5 Duties and Responsibilities
(i) Administer nursing care and dispensing of drugs and medicines and directed by
the clinician;
(ii) Organize and supervise MCH clinics;
(iii) Assist the Senior Nurse Midwife in day to day duties;
(iv) Administer and participate in health education;
(v) Advise on the ordering and stocking of medicines, drugs other medicaments and
sundries for the unit;
(vi) Supervision on the management of medical records;
(vii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
workflow; and
(viii) Performs any other official duties as assigned from time to time.

15.0.6 Qualifications and Experience
Ordinary Diploma in Nursing to a level of Staff Nurse, Grade A from a recognized
training institution, or a trained “Nurse B” who will have attended upgrading nursing
courses to uplift her skills to “Nurse A” level, Must be Computer literate; and fluent in
English and Swahili languages. General experience in related field will be an added

15.0.7 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 4 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.
16.0.1 Salary Grade: TPGS 4
16.0.2 Station: Dar es Salaam
16.0.3 Reports to: Harbour Master
16.0.4 Job Purpose: Effective maintenance of crafts
16.0.5 Duties and Responsibilities
(i) Commands the tug during berthing/unberthing ship operations both inside and
outside the ports;
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) Works within the daily work schedule;
(iv) Maintains tug log book showing time and movements made and controls the
movement of tug;
(v) Ensures routine maintenance of tug;
(vi) Provides input for weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly reports; and
(vii) Performs any other official duties as assigned from time to time.

16.0.6 Qualifications and Experience
Holder of Class IV Certificate of Competence from any recognized learning Institute with
working experience of at least 3 years in marine craft maintenance. Must be computer
Literate and Fluent in both English and Swahili languages.
16.0.7 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 4 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

17.0.1 Salary Grade: TPGS 4
17.0.2 Station: Dar es Salaam & Mtwara
17.0.3 Reports to: Harbour Master
17.0.4 Job Purpose: To assists on efficient operation of navigation systems, accurate
documentation of information, safety and environmental management measures
and control of Traffic effectively.

17.0.5 Duties and Responsibilities
(i) Manages the Control Operators;
(ii) Ensures availability of communication equipment;
(iii) Maintains maritime information and databases and disseminates it as required;
(iv) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
workflow; and
(v) Perform any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.

17.0.6 Qualifications and Experience
FTC in Electronics/VTS/GMDSS Operator from a recognized learning Institution; Must
be Computer literate and fluent in English and Swahili languages. General experience in
related field will be an added advantage.

17.0.7 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 4 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.
18.0.1 Station: Dar es Salaam, Tanga, Mtwara & Kigoma
18.0.2 Reports to: Technician/Port Engineer
18.0.3 Job Purpose: To safely carry out preventive maintenance and repairs to the port
plant and equipment.

18.0.4 Duties & Responsibilities
(i) Ensure adherence to health and safety, environment, quality and housekeeping
in section;
(ii) Apply fault finding techniques, conduct root cause failure analysis and regular
equipment inspections;
(iii) Clean, maintain and repair components and equipment;
(iv) Repair malfunctioning equipment units and broken structures;
(v) Install machinery systems;
(vi)Install and maintain ventilation and refrigeration units;
(vii) Quality check equipment regularly to ensure everything is in working order;
(viii)Perform light landscaping and grounds keeping work as needed;
(ix)Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
workflow; and
(x) Performs any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.

18.0.5 Qualifications and Experience
Trade Test Grade I (Mechanical Engineering) from a recognized learning Institution.
Must be Computer literate and fluent in English and Swahili languages. General
experience in related field will be an added advantage.

18.0.6 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 4 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.
19.0.1 Station: Dar es Salaam, Tanga, Mtwara & Kigoma
19.0.2 Reports to: Technician/Port Engineer
19.0.3 Job purpose: Effective maintenance of portal cranes and electrical installations
and assurance for Port Power Supply

19.0.4 Duties & Responsibilities
(i) To Undertakes Maintenance of Portal Cranes at the quay side;
(ii) To Undertakes Maintenance of Major Overhauls and fabrications;
(iii) To Undertakes Maintenance of Electric Motor Rewinding, Refrigeration and Air
(iv) To Undertakes Maintenance of Port Power Supply, Office Buildings and the
(v) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
workflow; and
(vi) Performs any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.

19.0.5 Qualifications & Experience:
Trade Test Grade I (Electrical Engineering) from a recognized learning Institution. Must
be Computer literate and fluent in English and Swahili languages. General experience in
related field will be an added advantage.

19.0.6 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 4 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

20.0.1 Station: Dar es Salaam
20.0.2 Reports to: Technician/Port Engineer
20.0.3 Job purpose: Effective implementation of Permanent ways activities
20.0.4 Duties & Responsibilities
(i) Undertakes permanent way jobs as directed by the Technician/Civil Engineer.
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
workflow; and
(iii) Performs any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.

20.0.5 Qualifications & Experience:
Trade Test Grade I (Civil Engineering) from a recognized learning Institution. Must be
Computer literate and fluent in English and Swahili languages. General experience in
related field will be an added advantage.

20.0.6 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 4 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

21.0.1Station: Tanga
21.0.2Reports to: Technician, Marine Engineering
21.0.3 Job purpose: Installation and maintenance of electrical systems on the port

21.0.4 Duties & Responsibilities
(i) Diagnoses electrical malfunctions within port equipment/motor vehicles systems;
(ii) Perform diagnostic electrical tests as needed;
(iii) Undertake Electrical Repairs On Various Ports equipment;
(iv) Install New Interior Electrical Systems;
(v) Operate Hand And Power Tools;
(vi) Undertake auto-electric repair and maintenance jobs;
(vii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
 workflow; and
(viii)Performs any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.

21.0.5 Qualifications & Experience
Trade Test Grade I (Auto-Electrical Engineering) from a recognized Learning Institution.
Must be Computer literate and fluent in English and Swahili languages. General
experience in related field will be an added advantage.

21.0.6 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 4 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

22.0.1 Salary Grade: TPGS 3
22.0.2 Station: Dar es Salaam
22.0.3 Reports to: ME Foreman
22.0.4 Job Purpose: Sound maintenance equipment, timely availability of equipment
and proper and safe operation of equipment.

22.0.5 Duties and Responsibilities
(i) Operates winch and cranes as per approved procedures and policies;
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) Undertakes general winch/crane services and cleaning as instructed;
(iv) Maintains records of activities as per approved procedures;
(v) Provides quality services on plant operation;
(vi) Reports malfunction of winch/crane;
(vii) Ensures maintenance of winch/crane as per approved policies and procedures;
(viii) Ensuring achievement of set targets in the unit; and
(ix) Performs any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.

22.0.6 Qualifications and Experience
Heavy Equipment Operator’s Course with Class C Driving License from a recognized
learning Institution. Must be Computer literate and fluent in English and Swahili
languages. At least one (1) year experience in related field will be an added advantage.

22.0.7 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 3 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

23.0 DRIVER – 19 POSTS
23.0.1 Salary Grade: TPGS 2
23.0.2 Station: Headquarters, Dar es Salaam & Tanga
23.0.3 Reports to: HR/Assistant Transport Officer
23.0.4 Job purpose: Efficient Transport system and timely communication.

23.0.5 Duties and Responsibilities
(i) To drive TPA vehicles as instructed by supervisors;
(ii) Provide proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) To ensure that the vehicle assigned to him/her is maintained, serviced regularly
and kept clean and safe;
(iv) To report any defects in the vehicle assigned to him/her;
(v) To maintain a logbook and record all movements as instructed; and
(vi) Performs any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.
23.0.6 Qualifications and Experience
Driving Certificate from any recognized Institution. Must possess Class C Driving
License, Must also be fluent in English and Swahili languages. General experience in
related field and Advanced Drivers’ Couse Grade II (VIP) will be an added advantage.

23.0.7 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 2 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.
24.0.1 Salary Grade: TPGS 2
24.0.2 Station: Mtwara
24.0.3 Reports to: Fire and Safety Officer
24.0.4 Job Purpose: To effectively manage port environment and secure TPA people
and assets

24.0.5 Duties and Responsibilities
(i) Receives all the incoming telephones both emergency and normal ones and
relay messages to officer in charge of firefighting team;
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) Records all relevant incidents in the Occurrence Book;
(iv) Informs all TPA lead team in case of the fire outbreak;
(v) Attends fire drills in alternate sessions; and
(vi) Performs any other duties as may be assigned from time to time.

24.0.6 Qualifications and Experience
Holder of Basic Fire Fighting Certificate from any recognized learning institution.
General experience in related field will be an added advantage.

24.0.7 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 2 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

25.0 DIVER – 6 POST
25.0.1 Salary Grade: TPGS 2
25.0.2 Station: Dar es Salaam & Mwanza
25.0.3 Reports to: Head Diver
25.0.4 Job Purpose: To provide efficient salvage processes, timely rescue of goods
and minimize losses

25.0.5 Duties and Responsibilities
(i) Implements rescue plans as required;
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) Participates in ensuring achievement of set targets of the rescue mission;
(iv) Works with the gang of divers during diving operations;
(v) Observes safety measures and environmental management standards;
(vi) Appraises management on the safety conditions at the quay and other
shallow waters;
(vii) Participates in Liaisons with other units during the rescue and underwater
maintenance; programme; and
(viii) Performs any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.

25.0.6 Qualifications and Experience
Class I or II Diving Certificate from any recognized learning institution. At least three (3)
years’ experience in related field will be an added advantage.

25.0.7 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 2 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

26.0.1 Salary Grade: TPGS 1A
26.0.2 Station: Dar es Salaam, Mtwara & Kyela
26.0.3 Reports to: Leading Fire Fighter
26.0.4 Job purpose: To effectively manage port environment and secure TPA people

26.0.5 Duties and Responsibilities
(i) Participates in firefighting as directed by the Officer in-charge at fire scene;
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) Attends all special services calls and salvage work;
(iv) Performs fire drills; and
(v) Perform any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.

26.0.6 Qualifications and Experience
Basic Certificate in Fire Fighting and Rescue from any recognized learning institution. At
least three (3) years general experience in related field will be an added advantage.

26.0.7 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 2 with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

27.0 SAILOR - 35 POSTS
27.0.1 Salary Grade: TPGS 1A
27.0.2 Station: Dar es Salaam & Mtwara
27.0.3 Reports to: Head boatman
27.0.4 Job purpose: To provide efficient Tug Maintenance

27.0.5 Duties and Responsibilities
(i) Assembles new buoys and towers;
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) Cleans dirty (dust and birds dropping) on the solar panels of each limestone
beacon and buoy along the cost at an interval of every three months in order to
have effective solar energy to charge the butteries per marine solar panels;
(iv) Replaces burnt out marine lamps at aids to navigation aids;
(v) Conducts general maintenance of buoys e.g. removing marine growth, rust and
repainting buoys at an internal of every two years;
(vi) Changes mooring chains of buoys every four years;
(vii) Assists manual work during hydrographic surveys;
(viii) Refuels acetylene gas at some buoys which are still using gas as power source;
(ix) Maintains Navigation aids/ Interim’s in the workshop as per technician’s
instruction; and
(x) Performs any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.

27.0.6 Qualifications and Experience
Mandatory Certificates as per STCW78 from any recognized Learning Institution.
General experience in related field will be an added advantage.

27.0.7 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 1A with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

28.0.1 Salary Grade: TPGS 1A
28.0.2 Station: Dar es Salaam & Mtwara
28.0.3 Reports To: Head Boatman
28.0.4 Job purpose: To ensure efficient mooring of vessels

28.0.5 Duties & Responsibilities
(i) Receives instructions from the head boatman related to mooring of vessels;
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) Handles ropes and moors ships;
(iv) Maintains records of all mooring equipment and gear; and
(v) Performs any other official duties as may be assigned from time to time.

28.0.6 Qualifications and Experience
Mandatory Certificates as per STCW78 from any recognized learning institution.
General experience in related field will be an added advantage.

28.0.7 Remuneration
Entry-level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 1A with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

29.0.1 Salary Grade :TPGS 1B
29.0.2 Station: Dar es Salaam
29.0.3 Reports to: Caretaker
29.0.4 Job purpose: To ensure Effective mail delivery, the office is clean

29.0.5 Duties and Responsibilities
(i) Delivers mails within and outside the office as required;
(ii) Provides proposals and recommendations on necessary improvements on
(iii) Maintains high standards of hygiene;
(iv) Delivers messages as required;
(v) Checks in and out trays for any deliveries to appropriate offices;
(vi) Dispatches letters from the post office to staff members;
(vii) Serves refreshments and keeps utensils clean; and
(viii) Performs any other duty as may be assigned from time to time.

29.0.6 Qualifications and Experience
Must have attended Cleaner’s course of a minimum of three (3) months from VETA or
any recognized training Institution. General experience in related field will be an added
advantage. Age limit - below 35 years.

29.0.7 Remuneration
Entry- level package in accordance with TPA’s salary scale TPGS 1B with other terms
and conditions of the Public Services.

i. All applicants must be Citizens of Tanzania generally with an age not above 45
years except for the cadres which the age limit is specified
ii. Applicants must attach an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (CV) having reliable
contacts; postal address/post code, e-mail and telephone numbers;
iii. Applicants should apply on the strength of the information given in this
iv. Applicants must attach their certified copies of the following certificates;
 Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma/Certificates;
 Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma transcripts;
 Form IV and Form VI National Examination Certificates;
 Professional Registration and Training Certificates from respective
Registration or Regulatory Bodies;
 Birth certificate;
v. Attaching copies of the following certificates is strictly not accepted
 Form IV and form VI results slips;
 Testimonials and all Partial transcripts;
vi. Overqualified candidates are not expected to apply;
vii. An applicants must upload recent Passport Size Photo in the Recruitment Portal;
viii. An applicant employed in the Public Service should route his application
letter through his respective employers;
ix. An applicant who is retired from the Public Service for whatever reason should
not apply;
x. An applicants should indicate three reputable referees with their reliable contacts;
xi. Certificates from foreign examination bodies for Ordinary or Advanced level
education should be verified by The National Examination Council of Tanzania
(NECTA) and National Council for Technical Education (NACTE);
xii. Certificates from Foreign Universities should be verified by The Tanzania
Commission for Universities (TCU);
xiii. An applicant with special needs/case (disability) is supposed/advised to
xiv. A signed application letter should be written either in Swahili or English language
and Addressed to;

Presidents Office, Public Service Recruitment Secretariat,
27 Utumushi House Kivukoni,
11102 Dar EsSalaam.

xv. Deadline for application is 19th April, 2019
xvi. Only short listed candidates will be informed on a date for interview and;
xvii. Presentation of forged certificates and other information will necessitate to legal
NOTE: All applications must be sent through Recruitment Portal by using the
following address; http://portal.ajira.go.tz/and not otherwise(This address
also can be found at PSRS Website, Click ‘Recruitment Portal’)


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