On 10.8.19

Chaperones (33) Positions 

Report to: Regional Coordinator.

Location– Shinyanga (MC),Shinyanga DC, Kahama TC, Maswa DC, Nzega TC, Nzega DC , Kigoma MC, Urambo TC, Tabora MC, Kaliuwa DC, Musoma MC, Bunda DC, Tarime , Mc, Kasulu Dc,
Geita DC TC.
Mode of Employment: Temporary Contract for two months

Job Summary: 
The overall objective of this activity is to supervise the well-being of the girls  enrolled in the vocational training centers as boarding students on daily basis.

Major Duties and Responsibilities.

  • Exercise the duty of care which any parent/care taker might be reasonably expected to  give to that child.
  • Meet with respective TRCS Staff and discuss specific needs of the girls enrolled in the  training centres. (e.g. medications needed, special food/diet needs and behavioural challenges of these girls, etc.)
  • Follow up with the TRCS focal person to ensure suitable travel arrangements are in place  for all girls and the TRCS person escorts the girls to their respective vocational centre and handover to chaperone.
  • Follow up with the TRCS person to ensure the travel arrangements are also in place when  the girls complete their courses and the TRCS focal person escort the girls back home.
  • Have in place a weekly schedule which will be prepared by TRCS for one-on-one  meetings with each girl to discuss their progress, experience including challenges while at the training centers. The chaperone should also conduct these meetings to discuss the services she will be providing to the girls and her availability to provide assistance on daily basis for any special need brought up by the girls.
  • Carry out a suitable risk assessment in the environment and that effective control  measures are in place to ensure the OVC special needs are met and all girls complete their course in a protective environment.
  • Establish a good working relationship with the District Social Welfare Office of the  respective council and ensure her involvement when the well-being and protection of the girls are at stake.
  • Ensure that there is a complete register of the children, with emergency contact numbers  available at all times. However, the Chaperone must not disclose the personal information of the child(ren) in their care, except to authorized personnel.
  • Meet with VETA Focal Person and matron once a week to discuss progress of each girl at  the center i.e. their performance and well-being while at the centers.
  • Provide monthly report on the weekly schedules done, the progress of the girls at the  centers and will have bi-weekly phone calls meeting with the TRCS Regional Coordinators to follow up on the tasks.

 Essential knowledge and skills:

  • Good general knowledge, excellent oral and written expression/ communication,  interpersonal skills, patience and courtesy and a very wide range of more specific behavioral skills,
  • Attention to the person, interaction, ability to transmit information, plus keen  organizational sensitivity are required to understand quickly the beneficiaries’ needs,
  • Good skill in organizing and facilitating user friendly training sessions, meetings, dialogues and conversations,

Job Requirement

  • Completion of Secondary Education, Form four or Form Six.
  • Minimum two years experience working with young girls.
  • Applicants should be Female above 35+ of age.
  • The chaperone should reside in the councils where the vocational centres are located.
  • Ability to maintain appropriate boundaries with children
  • Approachability and ability to develop children’s trust and confidence
  • A person with a reference letter from the WEO/VEO, and have worked with children or  volunteered on social issues will also be preferred

How to Apply:

Applications may be submitted via Post Office, by hand delivery, or by email. The deadline for submission is 14th August 2019 by 16.00 Hrs. All applications will be addressed through the email- recruitment@trcs.or.tz ,or you can send through Posta or hand delivery by using the below address.

The Secretary General,
Tanzania Red Cross Society,
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