On 19.4.20

Position: Social Media Advocacy in Africa

Art in Tanzania’s Media Department focuses on using digital media social media outlets like social media, web pages, and blogs. We use the media to give visibility to our programs and marketing but also to advocate the public in common.


  • Our community-based programs are to empower the local communities and individual people. Interns experience being immersed in the daily life of Tanzania while also having the opportunity to witness the growth of one of the fastest growing economies in Africa.
  • Art in Tanzania is team lead for Children’s Agenda program Media Team in coalition with Tanzanian Government, UNICEF, Save the Children, SOS, PLAN, and others.
  • Media is used for our daily program visibility and marketing tasks. Commonly it is to give information on our work in the communities. Our Facebook pages have more than 50k followers being strong visibility base for Tanzanian public in common.
  • We highlight media in network development and constantly wish to develop tools to reach our target groups in universities and the private sector.
  • Our media tools include arts, music, and film. We offer an immersive experience for students who desire to use innovative and creative African media tools.
  • Our media is advocacy, visibility and marketing focused.
  • We provide in-country orientation and training and academic tutoring for the program.
  • Work is tutored by Mr. Kari Korhonen and the Art in Tanzania Media Team.
  • Paid internships include a local minimum wage/stipend of $100 USD per month. We also offer stipends depending on the terms of the internship and regulations of your home university. Starting and end dates are flexible and can accommodate other travel arrangements in Tanzania. International flights, Student permit, accommodation, and meals are personal costs.
  • We also offer participants with disabilities personal assistants and drivers at additional expenses; $30 USD per week. 24-hour general assistance is free.
  • You and your visiting friends can enjoy sustainable tourism, safaris, and local tour options at low cost.
  • To book you in and to open your personal account we need your tentative arrival and departure dates.

Details at a glance

  • On-site Location
  • Academic Credits
  • Paid

Low cost free time safari programs.

Please fill in the application form at http://www.artintanzania.org/en/about/jobs/job-application AND/OR email to info@artintanzania.org

Please include Cover Letter, Resume/CV and unofficial study transcript. Location Umoja Rd Block 2Q, Madale village, Dar es Salaam 23333, TZ

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