On 23.4.21

Terms of Reference
: Recruitment of an audiovisual production agency


Abt Associates Inc.’s Sustaining Health Outcomes through the Private Sector Plus (SHOPS Plus) project, under its Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is soliciting propos­als from firms capable of undertaking the tasks and producing the deliverables outlined below.


Sustaining Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) Plus is USAID’s flagship initiative in private sector health. The project seeks to harness the full potential of the private sector and catalyze public-private engagement to improve health outcomes in family planning, HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health, and other health areas. SHOPS Plus supports the achievement of US government health priorities and improves the equity and quality of the total health system.

In Tanzania, the project works with private providers and private sector health platforms, such as Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets (ADDOs), through a range of approaches to increase access to and use of priority health services.


The responsibilities of the applicant are highlighted below. The responsibilities are not exhaustive of the require­ments of the applicant. The sections are intended to be descriptive, not necessarily prescriptive.


SHOPS Plus seeks an organization to create an end-of-project video using clips from interviews with SHOPS Plus in-country partners from the public and the private sector. The objective of this video is to highlight the work SHOPS Plus has done in the country to sustain health outcomes over its duration.

The video will comprise interview clips of a range of stakeholders (national programs, private sector, private providers) who have worked closely with the project over its duration. The interviewees will speak in English or Swahili. Each interview will respond to 10 to 15 questions about results and outcomes achieved through the project’s support and why the private sector important. The video will also include photographs of the stakehold­ers and SHOPS Plus activities. The video will be in English and Swahili with subtitles in English for portions in Swahili.

The offeror will also capture pictures of places mentioned in the content of the video for use by SHOPS Plus and in the video. The photographer will be on site during filming and complete post-production work within the pre-defined schedule. . The photos would include metadata with location and subject names / type, and signed release forms, if needed. Abt Associates will provide the photo release forms. The list of required images will be developed in consultation with SHOPS plus during the video pre-production stage.

Specific tasks include:

  • Holding a kick-off meeting between SHOPS Plus, videographer, and producer to review the video concept and logistics
  • Developing all needed inputs to complete filming, including but not limited to a production schedule and story board
  • Complete production of the video content by:
  • Planning and managing in-person and remote recording of video and audio content
  • Conducting and filming the sessions
  • Designing text and motion graphics, as needed
  • Completing post-production, including developing rough cuts and revised versions based on SHOPS Plus review
  • Finalizing the video following SHOPS Plus approval
  • Photographing locations identified during pre-pro­duction stage
  • Delivery of final video and image files to SHOPS Plus, along with required documentation

Number of videos: 1 Video length: 7 minutes

Number of photographs: 100-200 high resolution, easily shareable digital files

Production state date: once the contract is signed Delivery date: June 6, 2021

The video will be viewed on the SHOPS Plus website and through other channels identified by SHOPS Plus and its partners in Tanzania.

The video will be produced in accordance with the SHOPS Plus project’s graphic standards and branding marking plan.


  • Photographs – 100-200 high-resolution images (1600 x 1200 pixels or more) in easily shareable digital format and on an external physical drive
  • Photo caption sheet with narrative caption, location and date.
  • Video production schedule in line with the timeframe of the activity.
  • Video footage with Fram.io software or timestamped transcripts
  • Rough cut of video
  • Final video with sub-titles as MP4 file
  • Signed consent forms


Video Production

The applicant will provide a video production team with a camera operator to shoot the footage and a producer to manage the production of the videos based on an agreed-upon outline. SHOPS Plus will provide the names of the individuals to be filmed, the script, and the training materials and graphics to be included in the video. The videographer will be responsible for any transportation and per diem related expenses.


  • The applicant will work closely with the SHOPS Plus
  • Tanzania team to schedule and plan the various shooting sessions with the different facilitators in-country. This includes:
  • Holding a kick-off meeting between SHOPS Plus, videographer, and producer to review the video concept and logistics
  • Developing a story board based on training script
  • Creating a production schedule
  • Determining location and format of in-person filming


The applicant will plan and manage in-person recording of relevant content with identified participants. This will include:

  • Planning and managing in-person and remote recording of video and audio content
  • Conducting and filming the sessions
  • Designing text and motion graphics, as needed


The applicant will manage post-production and video editing to ensure that the finished products meet identified needs. This will include:

  • Rough cut using Fram.io software (preferred) or timestamped transcription of all interview content
  • Management of the review and feedback process for all rough cuts (2-3 versions)
  • Development and verification of sub-titles and other infographics as needed
  • Include a sound track with background music
  • Animated graphic, if necessary
  • Delivery of final videos, in format specified by SHOPS Plus platform requirements with
  • approved branding

Final Approval

Before the video is finalized, the videographer will obtain approval from the SHOPS Plus communications director and project lead.


The applicant grants SHOPS Plus Tanzania the exclusive and unconditional right to reproduce, display, share, and disseminate worldwide and in perpetuity, in whole or in part, in any traditional or electronic media format, without requiring SHOPS Plus to notify the applicant, seek permission, or additional fees beyond the agreed upon payment for services.

SHOPS Plus reserves the right to edit captions in accordance with its protocols and style guide. This agree­ment will apply to all photographs, videos, and other submissions supplied by the applicant and shall remain in full force and effect until cancelled in writing by either party or superseded by a subsequent agreement. The applicant assumes all responsibility for claims that result from false information knowingly provided by the applicant (copyright, captions model releases).


The applicant and team will work under the supervision of the Chief of Party of the SHOPS Plus Tanzania project in collaboration with the entire in-country team and from the headquarters with whom they will be required to report and communicate regularly. They will also participate in project meetings if necessary. They will use their expertise to carry out the activities and achieve the objectives of the mission. The following added values are required: good conduct, efficiency, spirit of innovation, integrity, and confidentiality.


  • The assignment will require an applicant with demonstra­ble competencies:
  • Previous experience of developing videos related to international development and public health
  • Ability to manage video production and conduct interviews in English & Swahili
  • Videography (in-person and remote)
  • Video editing
  • Photography
  • Capturing images that suit the specifications above
  • Capturing meta data (names of places, people, and specific locations where photos are taken)
  • Knowing, having, and using the right equipment for different lighting/settings
  • Saving, sending, storing video files
  • Knowledge of cultures and customs in the areas where shooting will take place


Interested agencies should submit the following:

  • Compliance with technical specifications. Clearly specify the deviations, if any.
  • Country of origin of company registration and country of basic operations.
  • Price: The applicant will propose the costs that they deem realistic and reasonable for the cost of the services in accordance with the technical specifications of the applicant. Applicants should propose cost in the template as indicated in Attachment A
  • Sufficient proof of capabilities, as evidences through past projects of similar nature and reference checks of those or other clients of the applicant.

Delivery schedule.

Interested agencies are requested to send their submis­sions to the following address:

-Farhan Yusuf <Farhan_Yusuf@abtassoc.com>

The deadline for submitting a file is April 30, 2021 at 5pm Tanzania time.

Abt Associates also reserves the right to offer this

price to more than one bidder.

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