On 29.4.21



UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls, the empowerment of women, and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. UN Women has a universal mandate that encompasses a normative, an operational/programmatic as well as a coordination role, all of which are closely linked with its unique structure. At the core of its mandate, UN Women plays a leading role in supporting governments in delivering on their gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE) commitments in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In line with the UNDAP II as well as internationally agreed normative standards, UN Women Tanzania’s Strategic Note (SN) for the period 2017-2022 lays out the agency’s unique role and comparative advantage in supporting national stakeholders in advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women by strengthening women’s leadership and participation in political and governance systems, gender statistics, implementation of global gender norms and standards, ending violence against women and girls, and women’s economic empowerment.

To contribute to delivering of the UNDAP II and its aligned Strategic Note of UN Women Tanzania, UN Women is implementing a 3-year Programme, entitled “Realizing Gender Equality through Empowering Women and Adolescent Girls”, in Ikungi District of Singida Region and Msalala District of Shinyanga Region by support from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).

The objective of the programme is to enhance social and economic status of women and adolescent girls by: 1) empowering women and female youth farmers economically; and 2) enhancing the capacity of the sub-national actors and community to prevent and respond to gender-based violence (GBV), including harmful practices.

Duties and Responsibilities

As part of Women’s Economic Empowerment interventions, UN Women is continuing to sensitize the community to ensure that community members become aware on women’s economic rights and shared domestic responsibilities in issues related to agriculture, land tenure security and Gender Based Violence.

Under the supervision of Women’s Economic Empowerment Specialist and in close collaboration with Communication team, UN Women is looking for a Consultant to:

  • Conduct a training session to capacitate women and male champions to engage in various forums and learning exchanges to advocate for their rights at the zonal and national in collaboration with the Ikungi District Council.
  • Conduct training for members of four village councils on women’s land rights, collaborative gender partnership, democratic decision-making, and shared domestic and care responsibilities.
  •  Develop and roll-out Singida radio campaign series including themes described below.
  • Women’s land rights and overall village land registration process in close consultation with the Land Intervention Responsible Party (Government Entity).
  • Develop key messages to promote women’s right in agricultural production, in this case in the Horticulture and Sunflower value chains and engage and collaborate with other project implementing partners Ikungi DC, TAHA and Farm Africa to improve gender-mainstreaming approaches/techniques to encourage inclusivity in their undertakings.
  • Prepare messages on prevention and response to Gender-based Violence including Police Gender and Children’s Desk in Ikungi District and Singida Region.


Below are the expected deliverables during project implementation over the three-month period:

Below are the expected deliverables during project implementation over the three-month period:

No. Key Activities Deliverables Indicative deadlines and installment payments[1] Approximate number of

working days

1. Final inception report incorporating UN Women feedback including:

  1. a detailed description of the work to be provided.

(ii) the workplan with the implementation plan from May to August 2021

Final Proposal 31st May 2021


10% installment


5 days

2. Training manuals to be delivered by applying Gender Action Learning Systems developed and reviewed by UN Women Approved training manuals and training methodology 14th June 2021


10% installment


10 days

3. Development of specific training methodologies for gender champions and village members to the UN Women

Training of gender champions on community sensitization, women rights and GBV and report

Community sensitization and village training sessions and report

Presentation of specific training methodologies



Submission of

Training reports

18th June 2021





16th July 2021


30% installment




20 days



Regional radio campaign strategy with content and messages to be broadcasted


Presentation of the radio campaign and broadcasting strategy to UN Women

Approved radio campaign and broadcasting strategy & content 30th July 2021


10% installment

7 days
5. Singida/community radio program series developed and ready for broadcasting Radio series and broadcasting monitoring report 6th August 2021


10% installment

8 days
6. Sustainability Plan and handover of community sensitization strategies to Ikungi DC and UN Women Sustainability Plan and Handover training report 13th August 2021


10% installment

5 days
7. Final Report Writing and submission Final completion report 20th August 2021


20% installment

5 days



60 days

Summary of fees and terms of payments: 

10% – final proposal

10% – approved training manuals and training methodology

30% – training reports

10% – approved radio campaign and broadcasting strategy & content

10% – radio series and broadcasting monitoring report

10% – sustainability plan and handover training report

20% – final completion report

Implementation arrangements

The consultant will work under the primary supervision of the programme specialist, Women’s Economic Empowerment. S/he will work in close collaboration with the Communications team  and other project partners including Ikungi DC, TAHA, Farm Africa, and the Singida radio station.


Core Competencies

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
  • Accountability
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Effective Communication
  • Inclusive Collaboration
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Leading by Example

Functional Competencies

  • Gender Action Learning System (GALS) approach
  • Having a legal status under the laws of the United Republic of Tanzania.
  • Having at least 5 years experiences of community sensitization and engagement in gender norms, women land rights and behavioral change, women’s economic empowerment and prevention and response to gender-based violence.
  • Having a capacity and at least 5 years experiences in media outreach plan and implementation, particularly through radio, by using the private sector radio stations.
  • Administrative capacity to handle and manage the financial and programme aspects of the expected assignments under this ToR.


Required Skills and Experience


Master’s Degree in Sociology, Community Development, Development Studies, Gender, Social Work, Law, Journalism and Mass CommunicationMaster’s Degree in Sociology, Community Development, Development Studies, Gender, Social Work, Law, Journalism and Mass Communication


At least five years’ experience in applying the Gender Action Learning System (GALS) approach

Social work and community development experience

At least five years work experience in women land rights

At least five years work experience in gender-based violence prevention advocacy

At least five  years work experience in promoting rural livelihoods through agriculture sector

Language requirements:     Native in Swahili and fluent in English

Citizenship:  Citizen or permanent resident of Tanzania

Submission of Applications:

The interested consultant (s) should respond to this TOR by submitting to UN Women:

  • A detailed technical proposal, including a workplan, results framework, and detailed financial proposal (budget for activities including consultancy fees), explaining how the results will be achieved;
  • A cover letter explaining why the candidate is the most suitable for the work;

UN Women Personal History form (P-11) which can be downloaded from https://www.unwomen.org/en/about-us/employment. Kindly note that the system will only allow one attachment. Please note that applications without a completed and signed UN Women P-11 form will be treated as incomplete and will not be considered for further assessment.

Application Deadline : 07-May-21 (Midnight New York, USA)


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