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TAKUKURU: Names Called for Work/Training at PCCB - Kuitwa Kazini TAKUKURU


Majina ya Kuitwa Kazini PCCB-TAKUKURU (Call For Work PCCB). Tanzania’s first anti-corruption agency dates back to 1974 when Act No. In July 2007, the Prevention of Corruption Act (PCA) was abolished and replaced by the current Prevention and Combating of Corruption Act (PCCA) which renamed the PCB the “Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau” (PCCB).

Names Called for Work/Training at Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) - Kuitwa Kazini TAKUKURU April, 2022.

Director General of the Institute for the Prevention and Combating of Corruption (PCCB) would like to announce to all people who have applied for a job vacancy of the Institute for Prevention and Combating Corruption that aptitude test will be held in Dodoma on 8.1.2022..

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Released Date: From 09th April, 2022


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