On 16.2.17

Research Assistance for field work (Mwanza, Geita and Kagera) – 6 Positions

Reports to: Research Coordinator and Senior Technical Consultant

Program Description
IMA World Health in partnership with the Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania (PANITA) and Development Media International(OM I) is implementing a five year program (from 2015 to 2019/2020) for Addressing Stunting in Tanzania Early (ASTUTE), to improve early childhood development and reduce the prevalence of stunting (low height for age) among Tanzanian children under 5 years old with focus on the first 1,000 days of life from conception.

ASTUTE aims to operationalize Tanzania’s National Nutrition Strategy at scale by reaching three million mothers and preventing stunting in 50,000 children in 5 regions named Mwanza, Kagera, Kigoma, Geita and Shinyanga. IMA is in addition partnering with TFNC and Cornell will implement operations research to assess the barriers and facilitators to optimal Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices in ASTUTE regions. These operations research project will employ the method of two Trials of Improved Practices (TIPs) studies, one exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) and one on complementary feeding. The learnings from the TIPS is expected to enhance the likelihood of effective ASTUTE intervention around IYCF. The ASTUTE program is looking for a team of male and female qualitative interviewers who will be based in rural areas of the Mwanza, Kagera, Kigoma, Geita and Shinyanga regions. The position is initially for 4 months.

Position Summary
Interviewers will work closely with the Senior Consultant in the field and report to the Research Coordinator based
Mwanza. The interviewers are expected to accomplish the following duties.

1. Primary qualitative Data collection

    Attend and actively participate in the training sessions
    Meet village level stakeholders and collect village/community level information
    Conduct informed consent procedures with all eligible applicants
    Conduct face-to-face household interviews
    Potentially facilitate focus group discussions (FGDs)
    Assist in arranging the logistics required for conducting interviews and FGDs
    Take detailed notes during data collection and record interviews and FGDs where appropriate
    Assist the Senior Consultant/Research Coordinator in field travel plan and logistics
    Carry out the study/research activities in line with research protocol and ethical procedures
2. Data management

    Transcribe and translate the collected qualitative data by the senior consultant and research coordinator
    Maintain the timeline for data collection/data transcription developed by the Senior Consultant and Research Coordinator

    Ensuring data collection is done with high integrity

Required Qualifications

    Tanzanian national
    Excellent Swahili and English communication skills, including written English skills.
    Cultural understanding and nuances in Tanzanian Kiswahili and English
    Willing and motivated to travel, stay and work in intense rural areas with limited access to modern facilities
    University degree in any field of social science with substantial previous experience in qualitative research methods and interviewing skill
    Be able to meaningfully relate, interact and build rapport with study participants
    Previous experience in transcription from audio to written text
    Substantial experience in translation from Kiswahili to English
    Excellent typing skills and basic computer skills in Microsoft Word
    Be a dynamic team player
    Be able to travel and live in rural areas for up to 4 months
    Be highly focused and energized with the ability to commit to long days in the field
    Sensitive towards other gender, local culture and norm

Desired qualifications

    Either from or familiar with the study regions
    Master’s degree in social sciences
    Nutrition and health back ground
    Familiarity with nutrition, infant and child health, gender issues will be an added advantage
    Previous experience in conducting FGDs
    Familiarity with Trial of Improved practices (TIPS) methods
    Be in good health and have a good sense of humor

Mode of application:
How to apply
Interested applicants may submit their application with photocopies of testimonials plus updated curriculum vitae by
Tuesday 21, February 2017.

By email: tanzaniaHR@imaworldhealth.org copy to medardmushi@imaworldhealth.org
The email subject should read ASTUTE·Research Assistance. Application must be accompanied by signed and scanned letter with one page motivation letter for the position. Attachment should be in one folder.
Only shortlisted will be contacted. Canvasses will automatically be disqualified.
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