On 14.8.17

The Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC) was established under the Public Corporations Act No. 17 of 1969 by a Presidential Order through Government Notice number 115, published on 25th August, 1978. The Centre is wholly owned by the Government of United Republic of Tanzania and operates under the purview of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and East African Co-operation.
The AICC was established to manage and control the Headquarters’ complex of the defunct East African Community in Arusha which belonged to the defunct East African Community. It also owns Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre as per Arusha International Conference Centre (Amendment) Order of 2014, dated 19th March, 2014; and provide facilities and services on the complex for purposes of conferences, meetings, seminars etc.

The Centre invites applications from suitably qualified Tanzanians to fill in the belowmentioned vacant posts:-

Answerable to Chief Internal Auditor

(a) Direct Entry Qualifications
Holder of Bachelor Degree in either of the following fields; Finance and Accounting,
Commerce and must be a holder of CPA (T), ACCA and registered by NBAA as
Certified Public Accountant and working experience of 3 years or more in a similar
(b) Duties and Responsibilities
(i) Undertaking auditing activities in the Centre
(ii) Enforcing financial regulations and procedures.
(iii) Continuously evaluating directorates performance with the view of maintaining
high standards and keeping the staff morale high
(iv) Assessing the degree of adherence to Centre’s policies and regulations by different
(v) Conducting regular audits of all offices to ensure that up to date financial records
are kept and that approved management and accountancy procedures are followed
(vi) Performing any other duties relevant to the scope of work that may be assigned by
the supervisor


(a) Entry Qualifications
Holder of Bachelor Degree/Advanced Diploma in Architecture, Building
Economics, Land Management and Valuation, Civil, Electrical or Environmental
Engineering or equivalent qualifications from a recognized
University/Institution, registered/licensed by a professional board in Tanzania
and working experience of 3 years or more in a similar position.
(b) Duties and Responsibilities
i. Designing and implementing estate management and improvement strategy in
consultation with the Senior Estates Officer
ii. Ensuring proper and economic use of the Centre’s facilities
iii. Ensuring prompt and efficient investigation of customer complaints concerning
quality of services offered by the Centre.
iv. Ensuring residential and office premises are properly managed and maintained
according to set standards
v. Maintaining up to date estates records,
vi. Preparing annual, quarterly and monthly preventive maintenance plans and
supervising implementations,
vii. Plan and supervise properties maintenance works,
viii. Performing any other duties relevant to the scope of work that may be assigned
by the supervisor


(a) Entry Qualifications
Holder of Bachelor Degree or Advanced Diploma in Journalism, Public
Relations, Mass Communication, or any degree in Social Sciences with a
major in communication from a recognized University/institution and
working experience of 3 years or more in a similar position.
(b) Duties and Responsibilities
i. Assist in creating, maintaining, improving, changing or repairing the
corporate image of the Centre
ii. Supporting maintenance of a good corporate image of the Centre with
regard to development of sustainable congress and business tourism in
iii. Supporting the process of building, managing and maintaining media
relations both above and below the line mediums together with the
Government and its ministries, agencies, institutions and customers
iv. Draft promotional/advertisement materials concerning the Centre’s
activities within and outside the country
v. Providing support during press conferences and meetings for the Centre’s
functions and events upon instructions from the Senior Protocol and
Public Relations Officer
vi. Performing any other duties relevant to the scope of work that may be
assigned by the supervisor

Answerable to Chief Accountant

(a) Direct Entry Qualifications
Holder of Bachelor Degree in either of the following fields; Finance and
Accounting/Advanced Diploma in Accountancy, Business Administration or
Intermediate Certificate (Module C & D) from a recognized Institution and working
experience of 3 years or more in a similar position.
(b) Duties and Responsibilities
(i) To participate in the preparation of revenue and expenditure reports
(ii) To participate in reconciling Bank statements
(iii) To prepare salary reports
(iv) To write payment vouchers and delivery notes
(v) Preparing monthly payroll
(vi) Preparing statutory returns ie PAYE , NSSF,PPF
(vii) Maintaining subsidiary records including staff advances and loans
(viii) Adequately compute and file tax forms
(ix) To keep deposit register Book
(x) Performing any duties relevant to the scope of work that may be assigned
by the Supervisor

Answerable to Chief Accountant

(a) Direct Entry Qualifications
Holder of Diploma of in Accounting/ATEC II in Accounting and Finance or its
equivalent for a recognized institution and working experience of 3 years or more in a
similar position.
(b) Duties and Responsibilities
(i) Receiving and accounting properly for all cash and cheques from customers
(ii) Issuing of bona fide receipts for cash and cheques received from customers
(iii) Reconciliation of actual amount of cash received with receipt book totals
(iv) Keeping in safe custody all moneys received under lock and key and
ensuring daily banking
(v) Maintaining adequate and accurate records of cheques received
(vi) Making bank reconciliation
(vii) Keeping ledger and books of accounts
(viii) Preparing payment vouchers
(ix) Preparing periodical financial reports (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly
and yearly)
(x) Maintaining subsidiary records including staff advanced and loans
(xi) Examining and verifying accounting documents and all supporting
documents attached to vouchers
(xii) Performing any duties relevant to the scope of work that may be assigned
by the Chief Accountant

General terms and Conditions
Terms of Employment: Contract/Permanent & Pensionable

An attractive package commensurate with the qualifications and relevant experience will be availed to the successful candidate. The Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC) is an equal opportunities employer and female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.


Letter of application, curriculum vitae, copies of relevant certificates, testimonials, names and email addresses of three referees should be sent through the Centre’s recruitment portal recruitment.aicc.co.tz which is available on our website and the address below, so as to be received not later than 28th August, 2017

The Managing Director
Arusha International Conference Centre
P.O. Box 3081, Arusha
Fax: +255 27 250 2050201
Recruitment Portal: recruitment.aicc.co.tz
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