NGO, Morogoro, Tanzania
A great position is open to a Say Communication Manager to join a NGO. The ideal candidate will be responsible for project social accountability through the youth in order to implement large campaign
- Undertake detailed training in social accountability, Gender Equality & Social Inclusion .
- Write, design and implement the SAY Communications and Campaign Strategy .
- Organise peer to peer youth events.
- Write annual key learning reports and disseminate.
- Design systems and practices for the sharing of information between authorities, implementing actors and communities established or strengthened by small groups in the communities
- Community Integrity Building (CIB) process and the skills needed to train and support community monitors
- Work with Project Officers to train and support youth and communities.
- Ensure design meets contextual needs, identifies gender and disability-specific barriers to participation, supports behaviour change best practice and informs community awareness
- Perform other duties.
Experience 3 years
Education Level Degree
Software Ms office application
Equipment Industry related
Knowledge Of understanding of the youth sector and issues , youth development training
Skills To Communication skills, analytic skills, management skills, leadership skills, interpersonal skills
Ability To work under pressure, attention to details, presentation
Personality Enthusiastic , energetic, hard working