On 21.5.18

Closing date: Thursday, 31 May 2018
Job no: 513187

Position type: Consultancy

Location: Tanzania,Uni.Re

Division/Equivalent: Nairobi Regn'l(ESARO)

School/Unit: United Republic of Tanzania

Department/Office: Dar Es Salaam, United Rep. of Tanzania

Categories: Finance and Administration, Operations and Business Management


Over the past years, UNICEF Tanzania has supported various construction activities mainly in the health, education, WASH and Child Protection sectors. Examples of the construction works that were supported by UNICEF are listed in Table 1 below.

Table 1: Examples of constructions works supported by UNICEF (2016-2018)

Type of construction

Modality used

Construction of WASH in school facilities using NGOs through the PCA modality (including a component of 'community contributions')
PCA with NGO partners

Rehabilitation/Construction of health facilities as part of the KOICA MNCH project;
DCT to partners; reimbursements

Construction of juvenile courts and renovation of women, children and gender desks in Zanzibar as part of the EU/UNDP project
DCT to partners

Construction of classrooms in the refugee camps in Kigoma
UNICEF contract

Rehabilitation of the earthquake impacted special needs school, including WASH facilities in Mugeza Mseto, Kagera region
UNICEF contract and DCT to partners

Extension of water supply systems
DCT to partners;

Construction of new UNICEF office
UNICEF contract

The experiences with these construction projects have been very mixed, but the main issues that have surfaced are:

Issues with quality of the work and timeliness of the completion of the construction (especially if construction takes place in remote locations and is relatively small scale);
Some construction projects can be very complex and thus pose various internal and external risks, including legal contractual risks;
Limited capacity within UNICEF (e.g. construction engineers) to oversee and monitor the construction projects;
In order to better understand the nature and causes of the various issues surrounding construction projects, UNICEF Tanzania would like to conduct a rapid assessment of the construction projects which were implemented over the past three years with support from UNICEF (see list in Annex 1).

The rapid assessment will mainly focus on aspects around the quality of construction, maintenance, use and sustainability of the construction works. Lessons learned from this assessment will be used to decide on a way forward regarding UNICEF's support to construction activities in Tanzania.


The purpose of this assignment is to conduct a rapid assessment of a sample of construction works which were completed between 2016 and 2018 with support from UNICEF, focusing especially of aspects around quality, maintenance, use and sustainability. Â The sample size should be diverse and from all programme sectors as well as across the regions in the country.

The consultant is expected to analyse the findings and propose a number of recommendations for use by UNICEF and its implementing partners.


More specifically the scope of the work is as follows:

Design a rapid assessment tool, using best practices and information/guidance from the supply division in Copenhagen.
Make a random selection of at least 40 construction projects out of the total list of 125 construction projects listed in Annex 1. The random selection should include at least 10 construction projects in Zanzibar.
Visit the 40 construction projects and assess the status of the construction works, using the assessment tool.
Analyze the information and write the report and identify a number of concrete recommendations.


The assessment process is twofold; the desk review of existing literature and the field visits to assess the projects carry out key informant interviews. The field assessment will cover a number of project sites in Mainland and in Zanzibar.

The assessment report should cover the following:

The extent to which the objectives of a construction intervention are consistent with beneficiaries' requirement.

A measure of how economically resources/inputs (funds, expertise, time, etc.) were converted to results.

The extent to which the construction's objectives were achieved, or are expected to be achieved, considering their relative importance.

The positive and negative, primary and secondary long-term effects produced by a construction intervention, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended.

The continuation of benefits from the construction intervention after completion.





Review literature, finalise the assessment tool and prepare a detailed work plan.

Inception report outlining the overall approach and methodology for the assignment, an annotated structure of the final report, a list of interviews planned, and a detailed work plan + time line for the assignment

5 days

Visit the construction sites and conduct a rapid assessment of at least 40 construction works.

First Interim report â€' reflecting sites visited and summary of first observations.

30 days

Finalise the report and present the findings.

Final report and PowerPoint presentation summarizing the findings.

5 days


40 days

Overall, the assignment will be implemented in the months of June and July 2018.


Payments will be made upon submission and acceptance of the specified deliverables and submission of an invoice. The main deliverables will be linked to payments as follows:

First payment of 30 %, upon submission of deliverables 1
Final payment of 70% upon submission of deliverables 2 and 3;
Travel and related costs will be billed separately and on actual and should conform to UNICEF rules and regulations. UNICEF reserves the right to withhold all or a portion of payment if performance is unsatisfactory, if work/output is incomplete, not delivered or for failure to meet deadlines.


UNICEF is looking to hire a national consultant with the following profile:

Education: Advanced University Degree in Engineering or related field.
Work Experience: At least 5 years experience in undertaking complex assessments of construction projects of reinforced concrete buildings. In addition, good knowledge of materials, construction methods, and the appropriate tools to construct structures and buildings; knowledge of structural engineering in the design of reinforced concrete, steel, masonry, and timber as applied to construction of buildings and structures

Competencies to include:
Have the ability to communicate effectively in English and Kiswahili with others to effectively convey information;
Have a strong capacity to use logic and analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches;
Have good initiative and ability to apply technical knowledge creatively to ensure conflicts and disputes are resolved between contractors and beneficiaries;
Have current knowledge of the latest developments and technology in the field.
Possess good analytical, negotiating, communication and advocacy skills.
Have computer skills, including internet navigation and various office applications, including knowledge of AutoCAD and MIS/GIS applications
Demonstrated excellent writing skills in English and good spoken and reading Kiswahili is required.
Demonstrated ability to work in a multi-cultural environment and establish harmonious and effective working relationships, both within and outside the organization.
Working experience in other East and Southern African countries will be an asset


The bidder's proposals will be evaluated both technically and financially. The technical proposal will cover 60 points and financial proposal will constitute 40 points.

The technical proposals will be reviewed against the following criteria:

Advanced degree in Engineering in specialties such as construction, civil, architecture or other relevant technical areas (20 points)
At least 5 years' experience in undertaking complex assessments of construction projects of reinforced concrete buildings. (15 points)
Experience in management and supervision of construction projects including knowledge of materials, construction methods, and the appropriate tools to construct structures and buildings; knowledge of structural engineering in the design of reinforced concrete, steel, masonry, and timber as applied to construction of buildings and structures (15 Points)
Technical skills in writing English, interpretation of technical designs and BOQs and knowledge of AutoCAD and MIS/GIS applications (10 points)


The consultant will be supervised by the Chief of Operations and will closely liaise with the Deputy Representative, the Section Chiefs and Supply Specialist. Deliverables by the consultant will be submitted to UNICEF for payment.


The consultant should respect the confidentiality of the information during the assignment. S/he is allowed to use documents and information provided only for the tasks related to these terms of reference.

Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that the process responds to quality and ethical requirements as per UNICEF Standards. As per UNEG Standard and Norms, consultants involved in research exercises should be sensitive to beliefs, manners and customs and act with integrity and honesty in their relationships with all stakeholders. Furthermore, they should protect the anonymity and confidentiality of individual information.

UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organization.

Advertised: May 18 2018 E. Africa Standard Time

Application close: May 31 2018 E. Africa Standard Time

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