On 14.12.16

Young people share a restless determination to address the problems that affect them the most. That’s where we come in. We are Restless Development, a youthful, dynamic and innovative national agency which carries the banner for youth led development in Tanzania and globally, from the grassroots to the global policy levels that young people can and must play a lead role in development.

Everything we do is led by and through young people. We are who we serve, placing young people at the forefront of change, empowering them to take leadership roles addressing the most urgent issues facing their communities. We put young people at the heart of our work, from community to board level. We recognize young people as an asset, who can and do contribute to, and lead change. Our vision is:

A world where young people are at the forefront of change and development, achieving a just and sustainable world for all.

We champion the engagement, position, and ultimately the influence of young people at every stage of development. Since 1993, we have been applying our experience to engage young people and young professionals at all levels of our organization to lead change. Our unique youth-led approach has been cited best practice and won awards from the Stars Foundation, World Bank, UNAIDS, and most recently the 2014 Resolve Award for Mabinti Tushike Hatamu.

As a country program, our footprint is wide reaching and we are expanding into a number of regions.

We are currently based in Dar es Salaam, Iringa, Mbeya, Ruvuma, Lindi, Shinyanga and will be expanding into Simiyu, Dodoma, Morogoro, Coastal, Tanga and Mtwara.

Our programmes address current dimensions of horizontal inequality, gaps in well-being between clearly defined groups (for example, along lines of gender or ethnicity). Frequently, lack of respect for equal rights and difficulties in claiming entitlements, in particular for social groups subject to legal, political, social or cultural discrimination, is a major factor underlying poverty, associated with high levels of inequality and contributing to economic and social exclusion. Discrimination reflects socially-constructed identities and interests which, depending on the situation, operate along lines of gender, religion, class, ethnicity, nationality, age and other dimensions.

The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) states that ‘All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights’ (Article 1). The principles of equality and non-discrimination are fundamental to ensuring that every human being can realize his or her human rights, regardless of race, ethnicity, language, religion, gender or any other sources of distinction.

For continuous improvement of our current programs and with a view of increasing the observance of international human rights and embedding the Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) and Gender Mainstreaming (GM) approaches in all our current and future programs we are seeking a HRBA & GM Consultant to review our current programme approaches (Plan, Design, Implementation, Evaluation), building the capacity of staff, volunteers and alumni on recent trends and approaches in access to SRHR, GBV and Education Services through expert training (HBRA, Results Based Management (RBM) and GM) and implement/embed sustainable HRBA & GM approaches in our programs and provide ongoing support via coaching/mentoring for the following 6 months.

The purpose of the training is to introduce staff to the concept of rights-based approach to development; and deepen participant’s practical understanding on human rights concepts at local, national and international levels, as well as enhance their ability to establish linkages between human rights issues and development.

The main value of adopting a human rights approach is that the beneficiaries of development are considered to be right-holders, not subject to charity, and are thus able to make legitimate claims on governments for their rights to be respected. Though, there is an increased awareness on the needs for development stakeholders, especially civil society actors and organizations including NGOs, CSOs, CBOs, youth networks and women’s groups/association to adopt HRBA approaches in programme development, however, correct application of these approaches in practice has not been standard nor consistent. Thus, it has become imperative for both rural and urban development practitioners to understand, get acquainted to, and be well equipped with current information, skills and techniques to enable them effectively and efficiently make use of HRBA tools and apply HRBA techniques to sustainably support and promote our programmes for the long term.

Key deliverables
The Consultant will be responsible for the following deliverables:
1. Review of current programme compendiums and practices
● To work with programme managers to review current project compendiums and documents to identify and close any HRBA & GM gaps.
2. Staff Capacity Building
● Building the capacity of staff, volunteers and alumni representatives on recent trends and approaches in access to SRHR, GBV and Education Services through expert training (HRBA, RBM and GM)
● Building the capacity of staff, volunteers, alumni representatives on implementing sustainable HRBA & GM approaches and practices in all our programs
● Building the capacity of HRBA & GM focal persons to ensure that internally there is knowledge and upskilling opportunities

3. Coaching/Mentorship
● To provide coaching/mentorship to staff 6 months following the review to ensure that the approaches are being implemented, sustainable and embedded in practices
Outcomes and Outputs
Activities to be undertaken in the period between 2 Jan – 28 Feb 2017.
Planned Outcomes for Training
● Participants received 2 days training sessions to enhance knowledge and skills on right based approach.
● Introduce participants to the rights-based approach to development;
● Deepen participant’s understanding in the principles, practices and policies those underpins rights-based approach to development;
● Expose participants to existing tools, to facilitate the use of rights-based approaches in development planning, implementation and project/program evaluations;
● Increase partner understanding to engagement with rights holders
● Participants Developed logical frame work for a program using right based approach.
● Participants expressed right based approach in all stages (planning, designing, implementation,

Monitoring & Evaluation) of development projects.
The report ought to be submitted to Restless Development as per the time frame above and shall be based on the following structure:
● Executive summary
● Introduction and purpose of the workshop and other activities???
● Approach and methodology
● Findings and analysis of participants
● Conclusions and recommendations
● The final report shall be written in English. It shall contain an executive summary including a list of recommendations. It shall be maximum 10 pages long, including the executive summary. Appendices may be added

Skills and Experience required
Restless Development invites applications from Consultants able to demonstrate the following skills, knowledge and experience:

● Knowledge of, and exposure to, human rights substantive issues relevant to the work of HRBA & GM expert
● Excellent analytical and communication (spoken, written and presentational) skills
● Ability to establish priorities and to plan work assignments, juggle competing demands and work under pressure of frequent and tight deadlines
● Proven interpersonal skills and ability to work in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity
● Experience in coordination of programmes and dealing with partners.
● Analytical skills and ability to synthesise thoughts readily in reaching the solutions
This consultancy will be managed by the Head of Operations.
What Restless Development will provide
Restless Development will provide the consultant with:
● Access to staff
● Access to internal information (documentation, compendiums, reports etc)
● Insert description (e.g. access to staff, external contacts and/or information)
Payment for Services
● It is estimated that the contracted number of days / weeks required to complete all deliverables will be 30 days.

How to Apply

Interested candidates are to submit a CV and Cover Letter, outlining their suitability for the role, timeframe and motivation for applying. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to interview and asked to submit 2–3 examples of similar pieces of work.
Please send applications to jobstanzania@restlessdevelopment.org and the email title should be HRBA consultant.

Applications close at 5pm local time, Wednesday 21st December 2016.
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