On 23.2.17

The National Insurance Corporation of Tanzania (NIC (T) Ltd is a state owned insurance company with a branch network all over the country. In order to strengthen its operations, the Corporation now needs to fill some few vacant posts in order to obtain dynamic, dedicated and self motivated employees who will enable the Corporation to meet the aspirations of all its stakeholders especially customers.

The Corporation wishes therefore to invite candidates with competent skills to fill the following vacancies:-

A.1 Head of Procurement Unit-One (1) Position- Head office.
Required Qualifications and Experience:
The holder of this post must have a Bachelor Degree in Procurement or equivalent qualifications, be registered with National Board of Materials Management (NBMM). Also a candidate must have at least five (5) years post professional qualification experience in the field. The holder must have a Certified Supplies Professional (CSP). A post-graduate degree or specialized training in materials management or Business Administration will be an added advantage.

Reports to: The Managing Director

Key Duties and Responsibilities:

Overall responsible for managing procurement processes of the Corporation.
To establish effective inventory control and materials management policies, procedures, guidelines and regulations and ensure their implementation.
To coordinate and manage procurement and disposal of the corporation assets and services.
To act as the secretary of the Tender Board
To issue approved contract documents, maintain register of the contracts award.
To prepare periodic performance reports.
To ensure timely ordering, clearing and forwarding of required goods by the Corporation and
To perform such other relevant duties as may be directed by the Managing Director from time to time

A.2 Procurement Officer- One (1) position- Head office

Required Qualifications and Experience:
The holder of this post must have a Bachelor Degree in Procurement and Supply Chain Management/ Procurement and Supplies Management or equivalent qualifications. The holder must also be a Certified Supplies Professional (CSP) with National Board of Materials Management- NBMM. Also a candidate must have at least three years (3) post professional qualification experience in the field. A post - graduate degree or specialized training in Materials Management or Business Administration will be an added advantage.

Reports to: Head of Procurement Management Unit

Key Duties and Responsibilities:
To receive and review specifications from the user departments and compile required inputs for the tender process.
To prepare periodic reports regarding procurement, including tender documents, agreements and other correspondences.
To procure goods, works and services of the Corporation.
To ensure timely ordering and receiving of goods and/ or services required by the Corporation.
To ensure that queries related to procurement are responded to without delay, and supply of goods and services meets demand in order to avoid unnecessary stoppage of works.
To liaise with all stakeholders, especially the Public
Procurement Regulatory Authority, on matters relating to procurement of goods and services, including taking the necessary action in cases of delay.
To formulate, coordinate, control review and develop procedures, regulations policies relating to competitive and cost effective procurement.
To receive and check delivered goods and services.
To keep and maintain records of procured materials and

To perform such other relevant duties as may be assigned by Head of Procurement Management.


Internal Auditor - Two (2) positions - Head Office.

Required Qualifications and Experience:
The holder of this post must have a degree in Commerce or Accountancy preferably with CPA (T) or equivalent qualifications. In addition the candidate will be required to have auditing experience of not less than two (2) years in a reputable institution.

Reports to: Director of Internal Audit.

Key Duties and Responsibilities:
To assist in preparation of departmental work programme and calendar for audit and conduct audit work.
To review the assigned work programme periodically and take appropriate corrective measures in case the actual achievements fall short of planned programme.
To identify defects in the internal control systems of the corporation and report the same to Director of Internal Audit.
To conduct financial operation performance and value for money audit.
To compare draft internal audit report with related audit working papers and rectify any identified errors therein.

To carry out any other relevant duties as may be assigned by Director of Internal Audit.


C.1. Administrative Officer - One (1) position - Head Office.

Required Qualifications and Experience:
The holder of this post must have a recognized Degree in any of the following disciplines: - Sociology, Human Resource
Management, Public Administration or related field from the recognized Institution.

Reports to: Human Resources and Administration Manager

Key Duties and Responsibilities:
To oversee all matters related to administration including registry, office services, transport etc and to ensure that all such services are provided with efficiency and effectiveness,
To supervise outsource service providers and ensure that such services are of the required standards and

To perform such other relevant duties as may be assigned by the Human Resource and Administration Manager.

C.2. Assistant Accountants - Six (6) Positions- Branches.

Required Qualifications and Experience:
The holder of this post must have a Degree/ Advanced Diploma in Accountancy from a recognized Institution or equivalent qualifications: Must be a graduate of 1st Degree between 2014 to 2016.

Reports to: Branch Accountant

Duties Performed
To assist the Branch Accountant in performing accounting duties at the Branch
• To work as cashier of the Branch and hence receipt and bank all insurance premiums received by the Branch
• To bank any other monies, whether in cheque or cash obtained by the Branch and

• To perform such other relevant duties as may be assigned by Branch Accountant.


Insurance Officers-Ten (10) positions-Head Office and Branches

Required Qualifications and Experience:
The holder of this post must have recognized degree in Insurance or equivalent qualifications plus at least three years experience in Non Life or Life Insurance business.

Reports to: Principal Insurance Officer Life/Non Life.

• To underwrite new policies
• To check premium rates applicable to endorsements other renewals and see if correctly applied,
• To draft appropriate endorsements as need arises,
• To scrutinize claims and make necessary recommendations for payment and

• To perform such other relevant duties as may be assigned by Principal Insurance Officer.


Legal Officer -Two (2) positions -Head Office

Required Qualifications and Experience:
The holder of this post must have Degree in Law from a recognized University with at-least Three years of practical legal experience and has been registered as an Advocate.
Reports to: Chief Legal Counsel

Key Duties and Responsibilities:
• To attend court cases filed by and against the Corporation both of civil and criminal nature;
• To carry out research on legal matters related to the Corporation's operations;
• To draft legal opinions and briefs as and when required to do so, and attend court cases;
• To prepare draft minutes for Board and Management
Committee Meetings
• To keep custody and up - date registers of court cases, tenancy agreement, and verify Title deeds; and

• To carry out any other relevant duties as may be assigned by the Chief Legal Counsel.

Application Instructions

Qualifying candidates should apply in writing to or lodge their applications at the address below enclosing: 
• An application letter showing how you meet the post's requirements and comprehensive Curriculum Vitae. 
• Copies of relevant certificates and awards. 
• Contact address including telephone number(s) and email addresses. 
• One passport size photograph attached to the application letter. 
• Three work related referees. 
 Successful candidates will serve the Corporation under specific employment contract. 

All travelling and lodging costs when attending the interview will be borne by the applicant. 

All applications should be addressed to;


Deadline 7 March 2017

Source: Daily News 21 February 2017

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